Jankovic: It must not happen that nobody is fooled by some kind of relaxation of measures


The head of the Anesthesia Clinic at the Nis Clinical Center, Radmilo Janković, said that there is still a lot of pressure on intensive care, but that the surrounding hospital also has the capacity to receive patients.

“The intensity of the admission was lower and the number of layoffs was higher. Perhaps this seems to calm down and stabilize at the moment, but we should not fool anyone with any relaxation of the measures, especially around the New Year,” Jankovic told Radio and Serbian television.

He said that the effect of relaxing the measures would not be seen around the New Year, but ten days later, and evaluated that there is no reason for a relaxation of the measures, and especially for mass concentrations and celebrations.

“We have to be patient for the next few months. The vaccine is safe and immunization is on the horizon. I ask for patience in the coming months so that we can welcome the next summer at least in accordance with those previous lives,” Janković said.

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