JANJUŠ DECIDED TO CHANGE HIS LIFE FROM THE ROOT! He will dedicate himself completely to HER, and this is what he says about his ex-lover Maja!


Former member of the cooperative Marko Janjušević Janjuš decided to radically change his life.

photo: Print screen

“There were many questions at the beginning, they called me all the time, I did not give any statement, I think this is only the second time I have given a statement since I came out of reality,” Janjuš said, then noted that he was asked mainly about Maja Marinković. but that avoids talking about the subject:

“Everyone asks, of course, that, I will never give answers, I just don’t want to, I can keep it to myself. Some say I’m lying, someone I don’t lie to, they can say whatever they want, I don’t care, I don’t make statements, I don’t want to. I am a public figure, but I do not consider myself a public figure. I do not lead that life like others who fight to be popular, I do not deal with that. “

The former basketball player points out that he spends his free time with his daughter and friends, and that in the next period he will be completely dedicated to his successor.

“I have no idea about the crown, I spend most of my time with friends and the Crown. It’s better with her, she goes to school in four or five days, I can’t wait, I’ll take her to school every day and that it will be my life, “said Janjuš. in the show “Premiere”.

photo: Print screen

Kurir.rs / MM

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