Jaksic was supposed to gain freedom through the tunnel, but the PLAN FAILED at the last minute.


The entrance to the tunnel was on a nearby property, located right next to the rear of the prison, which also has the least security. It is 1.60 meters high and is secured with a wooden structure so that the entrance does not collapse. The other end was never completed, but was supposed to lead into the Peruvian casemate.

In recent days, the police managed to roll the dice and connect who came up with the plan, organized and financed the construction of the tunnel, and what they are trying to clarify is whether the owner of the property where the entrance is located was also involved in the film leak.

The current owner of the property, which spans more than 2,500 square meters, whose value is estimated at more than 200,000 euros, is Carlos Cárdenas, and the police have already spoken with him. He claimed that he was unaware of the tunnel, as he became the owner of the land in August this year.

He also said that the foreigners, who were noticed by neighbors on his property, were construction workers and were hired to remove machinery from his property.

The police have contacted the former owner who is currently not in Lima. In the conversation, he promised to give a statement as soon as he arrives in the city and confirmed that he is no longer the owner of the property.

The La República portal writes that the Police are now investigating the information that the property was rented by a Colombian citizen more than a year ago, however, both the previous and current owners denied this information.

Colonel Víctor Revordo, head of the PNP’s special brigade against strango crime, confirmed that this police unit had penetrated the criminal organization and also confirmed that the operation was planned by the Sinaloa cartel, one of the strongest in Mexico. .

According to Peruvian media, the excavation of the underground corridor cost more than half a million dollars. The Republic writes that the brigade infiltrated the cartel and managed to obtain information that an unidentified Mexican and Serbian Zoran Jaksic will pass through this tunnel, who was sentenced to 25 years in prison in 2019 for international drug trafficking, which was confirmed by the Colonel Revordo.

Police discovered that Jaksic was planning to escape from prison last year, so in early 2019, he was transferred from Castro Castro prison to Pedras Gordas. At that time, a six-member group made up of Colombians, Mexicans, and locals dug a tunnel about 200 meters long. Upon learning that Jaksic had been transferred, members of the El Chapo, Sinaloa drug cartel decided to remove the excavators from the tunnel and wait for Jaksic to return to Castro Castro through strong ties.

During the inspection of the tunnel, the police found excavation equipment and specialized tools, such as knee pads, ventilation pipes, metal rods that served to support the collapse of the underground corridor, a special water supply pipe with which they soaked the soil to soften it . , water bottles, sandbags, side compartments to rest or store things, electrical installations …

Jaksic already tried to escape last year.

As reported by the media early last year, Jaksic, pretending to be ill, tried to escape from the Peruvian casemate.

– Jaksic complained of health problems, so the prison administration was forced to take him for an exam. However, it is obvious that he planned to escape and that he tried to take advantage of the release of one of the most guarded prisons in the country. The guards reacted quickly and their plan to evade them failed, the Peruvian media revealed.

They did not specify whether the “man with a thousand faces”, as Jaksic is called, wanted by Argentina, Greece, Germany, Australia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, tried to escape from the office or during the transport by van. Jaksic proved he had experience with spectacular escapes two years earlier, when he allegedly paid personally and arranged for drug lord Jorge Medina Gaviljani to escape from prison in Peru with the help of two policemen in a truck of

The movie’s plan to escape through the underground tunnel is not Zoran Jaksic’s brainchild. The Commander in Chief of the PNP, Police General César Cervantes, while visiting the building where the tunnel entrance is located and talking with reporters, recalled the case of 2015, when Joaquín Guzmán was better known as El Chapo, the “king of the drug “Mexican and head of Sinaloa. a cartel that carried out a similar leak.

He spent around $ 50 million to build a tunnel through which he escaped from one of the most heavily guarded prisons in the country, and his men first bought land near the prison where they built two houses so they could dig without being seen by anyone.

The tunnel was a much more complicated construction than that of Jakšić, it had several floors between which El Chapo moved in elevators and crossed flat parts on a motorcycle. He was air-conditioned for the entire mile, and led to the construction site, from where, as written, he escaped by helicopter.

Suspicion immediately fell on the Mexican prison guards, 35 of whom were questioned on suspicion of receiving bribes, and the Mexican police offered a staggering $ 3.8 million for information that would lead to Guzmán’s new arrest. .

During his stay in prison, as determined by the police based on recorded telephone conversations, the prostitutes came to visit Zoran Jakšić. Apparently, the criminal Oscar Rodríguez Gómez, known by the nickname Turbo, arranged and paid for his wives to come, and allegedly had a guard who missed them.


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Author: delivery courier
