There are elements to open the chapter anyway, and that is clear to all, but the process of European integration is predominantly political, and sometimes these elements prevail over objective criteria.
Thus commented the Minister of European Integration, Jadranka Joksimović, for “Novosti” about the statement of the European Parliament rapporteur for Serbia, Vladimir Bilčik, who said that “when it comes to reforms, if there is no progress, work and results, there is no open new chapters “. .

Vladimir Bilchik / Photo Twitter
– Rapporteur Bilčik may not remember that in previous waves of enlargement, when geopolitical circumstances were favorable for enlargement, some countries, thanks to political decisions and the support of individual EU members, opened and closed chapters and eventually acceded to the EU without objectively meeting the criteria, which was later demonstrated in terms of insufficient functionality within the EU – Joksimovic noted.
The European Union offers full membership, as decided by the European heads of state and government, Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelji said yesterday on speculation that Brussels may offer Western Balkans arrangements that will not imply membership.
– To those who demand less than that, I answer: Then do not expect the region to conform to our rules and to be our safe and stable neighbor – Varhelji told “Deutsche Welle” adding that Serbia “gives a mixed image”, but He also noted to “see and progress”. – Throughout the election campaign, the President of Serbia was explicitly in favor of joining the EU. We will see how the clear outcome of the elections will affect the preparation for the reforms of the Serbian government.
– I hope that Bilčik will dedicate himself more seriously, responsibly and objectively to his important role, and that he will contribute to the realistic presentation to the European Parliament of the progress that Serbia is making in all chapters.
Remember that the chapters were not opened in June, because several countries (Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Germany and Bulgaria) evaluated that the informal progress report on the rule of law, that is, chapters 23 and 24 , it was not good enough to support opening some of the five chapters that we are prepared for.
It is possible that our country will still open at least one chapter this year, considering that the advances in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina could be reflected in the “table” in Brussels.
Suzana Grubjesic, from the Center for Foreign Policy, told “Novosti” that “the semi-annual report of the European Commission influenced the decision of seven countries not to vote for the opening of the chapter, but also that there is another side to the story:
– Then there was no dialogue with Pristina. Progress has been made and I believe that Serbia will open some chapters by the end of the year.
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