Jadranka Barjaktarevic sings to them, and stop in Belgrade (VIDEO)



06.09.2020. 21:31 – 06.09.2020. 21:39

Jadranka Bajraktarevic

Jadranka Bajraktarević, Photo: Youtube / Printscreen

The famous singer Jadranka Bajraktarević, who often sings in taverns and clubs in Belgrade, had a performance tonight in Podgorica in front of some 5,000 “Montenegrin patriots”.

He proudly sings to “komitas” and Montenegrin fascists, while also singing in Serbian clubs. It’s a bit hypocritical, isn’t it?

A “patriotic meeting” was held in Podgorica, but no one took responsibility for organizing it. The only certainty is that the meeting had to be approved because the stage was set, the police were in the streets and the local self-government services and Elektrodistribucija gave the technical conditions.

Although the organizer is hidden from the public, the opponent DPS, by sharing the invitation to this meeting, assumed responsibility and organization.

SURVEY: Will the opposition form a government in Montenegro?

Only the fact that the permits were approved without formal requirements, affirms that the previous regime was urgent in the municipalities where there are still levers of power.
