Iz Dveri u SNS – Politika


Until recently, the chairman of the Provincial Board of the Dveri Movement, Radoš Pejović, joined the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), Vojvodina Radio Television reported today.

Iz Dveri u SNS 1Photo: wikipedia

Vojvodina Assembly Vice President Damir Zobenica, who welcomed the new member on behalf of the SNS, said that Pejović will most likely be in charge of strengthening family policy in the future convocation of the executive provincial government.

“We want to show how the SNS thinks and sees politics in Serbia in the 21st century, we are aware that there are people who have certain qualities and knowledge, who cover some areas where perhaps we have not gone so deep”, said Zobenica.

Pejović stated that he is convinced that his knowledge and experience will contribute to strengthening the role of the family in society.

“I deeply believe that today we will start a new social, political and family era, to start at the level of Vojvodina, and I hope later and beyond,” said Pejović.

He thanked the leaders of Vojvodina who recognized the importance of the family and provided support to make this topic one of the first to be addressed after the formation of the executive branch.

“The moment of reconciliation has come in Serbia, during the social and political stabilization, and I see the call of the SNS as a call for good,” said Pejović, and in his future activities announced the creation of networks of organizations that deal of family policy.

According to media reports, broadcast by 021.rs, Pejović resigned from his post in Dveri, where he was the head of the Family Policy Council and a member of the party presidency, in May this year.

Until just half a year ago, Pejović spoke about how the SNS was exercising violence against the citizens of Serbia, and at the “One in Five Million” protests in Novi Sad, he accused the SNS of “erasing Vojvodina”.

In April of last year, it was the subject of the media, because it was at a controversial meeting of the World Family Congress in Italy, according to 021.rs.

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