IVICA DAČIĆ’S SISTER IS OUR ACTRESS, everyone remembers her for a role, and now she is expecting a baby in her fifth decade!


Actress Emica Dačić (48), sister born Ivica Dačić, is pregnant and expecting a child in her fifth decade.

Ivica Dačić, president of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, confirmed the good news to the media a few days ago.

– My sister is in the sixth month of pregnancy – she said to “Informer”.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

Emica Dačić is best known to audiences for her role in the series “Family Treasure”, where she played Zorica, the secretary of judge Ljubomir Starčević Risa, played by Branislav Lečić.

He appeared in 28 episodes, as well as in the movie “The Secret of the Family Treasure.” He also starred in the movie “White Suit” as well as the series “Dollars Are Coming”, but only in two episodes. She also recorded miniature appearances in the series “Jelena” and “The smell of rain in the Balkans”, and the theater audience also remembers her.

Photo: Instagram.com/Printscreen

He stopped acting in 2011, when he got a job at a company. Emica graduated from two faculties: Pedagogy in Pristina and the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade.

In an interview, Ivica Dačić recalled his childhood and the way his parents fed and raised him and his sister.

– I grew up modestly and left home at 15 years old. To educate me and my sister Emica, my parents, Desko and Jela, collected mushrooms and rose hips. Despite the papers, Emica was always seen as my sister, Dačić said on one occasion.

Author: NV
