Ivanuša: The vaccine is more likely in the first half of 2021, children should go to school


The director of the World Health Organization (WHO) for Serbia, Marijan Ivanuša, said that now is the time to measure a small discount, but it should not be complete, adding that it is very important that schools start working, because children must go to school. not only to learn, but also to socialize. He said he expected the coronavirus vaccine to be available globally in the first half of 2021, and the goal is to produce two billion doses of vaccines by the end of next year.

“The recommendation of the WHO is to monitor the epidemiological situation and adjust the measures. The measures must go in both directions: they can be relaxed and hardened if the epidemiological situation worsens. It is very important that this aggravation is done as soon as possible.” the first signs of worsening of the situation appear, “said Ivanuša on Novi dan on TV N1.

“It is helpful for people to live a normal life more easily, this new normal, but that does not mean they have to relax completely. Masks should be worn, physical distance should be maintained, and hand hygiene should be maintained … We have seen that there is too much relaxation in June. It resulted in a significant deterioration of the epidemiological situation, “he added.

He also noted that “it is very important that schools start working”, but with regard to all epidemiological measures – disinfecting classrooms, maintaining as much physical distance as possible, and that “children have soap and water available so they could wash their hands. , because it is a very important protection measure. “

Children should go to school and hang out

“Children need education, children need to go to school, not only to learn, but also to socialize, children need to socialize,” Ivanuša said, adding that children have not been a major source of infection so far, and that their form of the disease is milder and the virus is less widespread.

Speaking about the use of masks in children, he reiterated that children under the age of five cannot use the masks properly, and between five and 11 years depends on the epidemiological situation.

“It is not recommended that everyone wear masks. If an epidemic occurs somewhere in the school, we recommend the use of masks, with the control of the elderly, because we know that masks that are not used properly can be a source of infection.” Ivanusa said.

He also estimated that, since the coronavirus is not seasonal – “perhaps it will be over time” – the development of the epidemiological situation will depend on our behavior.

“If we adhere to epidemiological measures, then we do not have to wait for any deterioration. It is important that the situation is monitored and that as soon as deterioration occurs, the measures are immediately tightened,” Ivanusa said.

I rejoiced at the progress of the Russians.

Commenting on the progress of the Russians in the field of coronavirus vaccine, the WHO director for Serbia said he was “personally happy when he learned of such progress in Russia.”

He stated that fewer than 200 different vaccines are currently being worked on in the world, and around 20-30 of them are in the clinical trial phase, while four or five are already in the third phase of clinical trial.

He expressed his hope that the vaccine will be available for most of the world in the first half of 2021, that is, two to five of them.

“It will be a problem how to carry out the production of so many vaccines, because there are billions of doses. WHO is working with various partners to provide two billion vaccines by the end of next year,” Ivanusa said.

He said that compliance with epidemiological measures can affect not only the spread of the coronavirus, but also other respiratory viruses, such as influenza. It recommended that all healthcare workers, the elderly and people with chronic diseases be vaccinated.

As for children, she said they recover from the flu much more easily, but “if parents are interested,” she said all children older than six months can get vaccinated.

Misinformation about the coronavirus

Commenting on misinformation about the coronavirus, he said that it is very important that official bodies periodically publish all the new information they find, because it is important that people believe in the information they receive from officials in order to adhere to the measures.

“If there is no trust, people will not follow the measures. And if they do not follow the measures, a catastrophe awaits us,” he said, adding that when it comes to different numbers of infected and dead, disagreements can sometimes lead to omissions. methodological or some rational reasons. that “in total the figures are more or less reliable.

Read more news about Kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world in the page Coronavirus.
