27.09.2020. 22:34 – 27.09.2020. 23:09
Sholak host and animator Ivan Ivanović appeared in Print of the Week with Olja Bećković, where they chewed together on the same topic that they have been dealing with for the past few years, and that is Aleksandar Vučić.

Print of the week, Photo: Printskrin
At the expense of their paying bosses, this duo have been unsuccessfully portraying a kind of political opponents and dissidents of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić for a long time.
What also irritated viewers of Tonight’s Print of the Week is a detail from Ivan Ivanović.
As numerous tweeters noted, Ivanović was wearing a Rolex watch valued at 10,000 euros, and many of them wondered where an artist got the money for something like that.

Print of the week, Photo: Printskrin
In addition, Ivanovic owns an apartment in Rovinj, in his beloved Croatia, in addition to the great wealth he owns in Serbia, and with his arrogance with money he has already started to irritate people. Ivanovic believes that he is not a public figure and that he does not have to justify where his money came from and how he earned it.
At the same time, as he spoke, Ivanović made an impressive gesture with his hands, and especially with the hand on which he wears a precious watch, probably to let the citizens of Serbia know that, in addition to trying to present himself as someone who understands the politics better than others, more than others.
In this way, he not only indecently displayed his wealth, but also annoyed his own audience, which is less and less than when he drifted into politics.