IVANA ŠPANOVIĆ UNEXPECTEDLY SPEAKED LIVE Famous athlete with boyfriend CHOOSES to speak today about 5th leading cause of DIE


The famous Serbian athlete Ivana Španović spoke via Instagram live with her boyfriend Marko Vulet and spoke about one of the biggest health problems of today: diabetes.

The reason is that November 14 is traditionally marked as World Diabetes Day.

As announced by the Republic Health Insurance Fund, around 710,000 adults in Serbia suffer from diabetes, a disease that is the fifth leading cause of death.

Detail of a live broadcast on InstagramPhoto: Instagram / screenshot

Detail of a live broadcast on Instagram

– The best can be extracted from diabetes, crazy as it may seem. While playing sports, I pushed all I could to show that diabetes can’t stop me. The border is only in our heads, of course, if we know diabetes well, said Španović’s interlocutor and his chosen one, Aleksandar Opačić, the president of the Serbian Diabetes Association, at the beginning of the conversation.

Marko was interested in the percentage of people with type 2 diabetes among young people, and Opačić replied:

– There is no precise data. Twenty years ago, it was unthinkable for type 2 diabetes to occur in children. I had diabetes 23 years ago, when nothing was known about the types of diabetes. That trend came from the United States, mainly due to an unhealthy diet.

Video: Ivana Španović’s abdomen
