IVAN PLACENIC, WHAT A SHAME! Instead of apologizing for falsely accusing Vučić of stealing vaccines, poor Ivanović attacks Kurir.


The eternal mercenary who works for Dragan Djilas and Dragan Solak today and the host of the show, which has a decreasing rating from year to year, attacked Kurir, who exposed his monstrous lie that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stole 187 vaccines.

Another proof that he blatantly lied is the fact that Andjelko Vučić, the father of the President of Serbia, was infected with the corona virus and was rushed to the Bežanijska kosa Clinical Hospital in serious condition on New Year’s Eve.

Ivan Ivanović
photo: Twitter

If what the less professional media worker Ivanović wrote were true, Andjelko Vučić would certainly have received the vaccine and would not be in hospital now.

And after he was caught and caught in a lie, instead of apologizing for it like any decent man, Ivanović attacked Kurir in an attempt to change his thesis and hide his week.

Ivanovic, you were ashamed of what you were doing! You, who have always worked for the bosses, are now obviously paid to poison people at your expense and create polarization in society with false accusations, insults and bad jokes! For the sake of obviously political points, you do not overcome anything and nothing is sacred to you!

And we wonder where he got the idea to call journalists for months and tell them what they should write and research. We ask ourselves, what do you have in mind, so that you compare yourself with journalists of any medium?

It’s a shame you tried to defend yourself by comparing yourself to the journalist Jelena Zorić and getting in the same basket with her! You are incomparable! You’re a bastard and she’s a journalist.

We do not know on what basis you have such a high opinion of yourself when it is known that the program you present is never less watched, full of tricks and jokes without a sense of humor. You are the past!

Liars, Ivanovic, we are telling you: present the proof that Aleksandar Vucic stole 187 vaccines, and if you show it, we will publish it and apologize to you. If you don’t, we hope you will apologize to President Vučić, the people you lied to, and the Kurir when he attacked.


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Author: delivery courier
