IVAN KONTIC QUESTIONED: Accepts to be extradited to Serbia, extradition custody order


This was announced to Novosti by the public relations adviser of the Podgorica High Court, Aida Muzurović.

– The investigating judge questioned the suspect, after which he ordered his arrest in extradition. Now, the investigating judge collects the necessary data and then submits the opinion with the case file to the criminal council of the High Court to decide whether to allow extradition in an abbreviated procedure, Muzurović explained.

Kontić was arrested Sunday in a rented apartment in the Podgorica neighborhood of Zabjelo.

As reported by Serbian media, the Novi Sad High Prosecutor’s Office conducted an investigation against fugitive Ivan Kontić (30) from Montenegro on suspicion that he tried to kill a 28-year-old by brutal beating, on Jevrejska Street in Novi Sad on August 24.

The other two suspects in the case, OL and L. V, were arrested earlier. One suspect is charged with the crime of participating in a fight and the other with assisting the perpetrator after the crime has been committed.

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