Ivan Ivanović denounced Sarapa for death threats – Society


The presenter Ivan Ivanović reported Predrag Sarap to the police and the Prosecutor’s Office for high-tech crimes for the threats he sent him in a telephone conversation, correspondence, but also on the social network Twitter.

Ivan Ivanović denounced Sarapa for death threats 1Photo: Youtube.com; Photo: FoNet / Aleksandar Barda

During the unveiling of the Stefan Nemanja monument in Belgrade, Foreign Minister Nikola Selaković stated that “if it weren’t for Stefan Nemanja, we would not be Serbs, they would not call us ‘ić'”, to which Ivanović commented in a tone of joke on Twitter: “Sarapa isn’t Serbian ?! I’m in shock!”, with a series of emoticons.

The host of Pink’s morning show was very offended by that, so he called Ivanovic several times on the phone, texted him for an hour, and then on Twitter, apologizing to his late father “for being insulted by a clown. and a monkey “, Ivan Ivanovic said he would do it” to defend honor with blood. “

– I treated the first two calls as “Sarapa got drunk …”. * fuck my mother Ustasha, cursed everything alive, I will remember and things like that. I hung up, he called again: * fuck your treacherous mother, your mother … I cut the call again, then the SMS started. That lasted about an hour: Ivanovic recounts his conversation with Sarap for Danas. He says he didn’t have her number, nor had they ever met before.

– I responded to all his insults and threats by sending him a link with Selaković’s statement and saying “discuss it with Selaković, not with me”. He replied: You are mine! When asked what he meant by that, he responded with question marks and a cross. Then a threat appeared on Twitter that he would defend his part in blood, says Ivanović.

The presenter then called the police and went to the station on November 29 to report it.

Ivan Ivanović denounced Sarapa for death threats 2

– I was there until midnight and gave a statement. As the police are in charge of phone calls and SMS, the next morning, yesterday morning, I went to the High Tech Crime Prosecutor’s Office and filed a threat complaint on Twitter – emphasizes Ivanović.

He says he doesn’t feel safe after Sarapa’s threats.

– Who can guarantee me that Sarapa won’t take a gun and shoot me when she gets drunk? Or send some hooligans to break my legs. No one can threaten anyone, and a journalist with a national television frequency has additional responsibility for every word spoken, Ivanović warns.

Predrag Sarapa is known in journalistic circles as someone quite sensitive not only to criticism, but also to jokes.

There is a longer list of journalists, satirists, and comedians he called and insulted after text messages or shows, yet, at least so far, he has not threatened.

At one point, he dealt with Nenad Kulačin because of the column in Danas and Ljubodraga Stojadinović because of the text about Peščanik.

Both texts were transmitted by the Direktno portal, so Sarapa attacked them, thinking that they had published the original texts.

“The scribes on the portal of the illiterate haters extract conspiracy theories and gossip about what they like. Stojadinović and Kulačina, a journalist from Đilasov, kneel over Direktno and do it gently on the portal. Stojadinovic, you complained to me shoulder when you lost your job at Politika. He went back to subordination smoking with his clients Djilas and Mladjan Djordjevic. The worst is coming out of you, poor pensioner. The fake journalist Kulacin was hired twice by Djilas and Mladjan Djordjevic. A poor man who works in the failed Nova S and in the task of a scribe on the portal of the holder of the fake FSB badge, “he recently told Sarap Kulačin and Stojadinović, but also the portal that he only transmitted his texts.

Good Bad Evil host Nenad Kulačin says to Danas that it’s interesting that Sarapi wasn’t bothered by the comments describing her character all these years “because she sold her soul and humanity,” but exploded by pretending that He is not Serbian, his last name is not “ić”.

– I don’t know what is terrible in the fact that his last name is not Sarapić. And I am not in “ić”, and perhaps I am a Serbian bigger than him, at least in size, Kulačin estimates.

He adds that the problem is that we see Sarapa as a colleague.

– It was not a colleague who threatened Ivanović, but a propagandist and a person with special needs, I mean alcohol. I was disappointed that he attacked my colleague Ljubodrag Stojadinović. I knew it was stupid and stupid, but I couldn’t read, that was new to me. He accused us of writing for the Direktno.rs portal and that Djilas and Mladja Djordjevic paid us. That portal took over our texts that we wrote for Peščanik, that is, for Danas. Not to mention that I had to justify myself to my wife who asked me – Who is that Djordjevic? – says Kulacin.

Predrag Sarapa did not respond to Danas’ calls and messages yesterday, nor did Pink TV announce his threats.

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