It’s very good for you here, there will be a highway in 3 years, you will be in Belgrade in 2 hours.


SJENICA – Today, before the Sadejstvo 2020 military exercise in Peshter, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić visited the village of Doliće near Sjenica, where he also visited the home of Muriz Šabanredžović.

– It is very nice for you to be here … – Vučić said, and then a conversation began about the altitude at which Sjenica and Dolići are. Together with Vučić, Minister Rasim Ljajić, Minister Branislav Nedimović and Serbian Roads Director Zoran Drobnjak are in Dolići. Vučić asked the hosts why Raždaginja is called Raždaginja and that it is the only place in Serbia that is called that. The president said that they used to clear the forest by burning it, so the name of the village comes from the word žiće, which means to burn, burn. Vučić also recounted how the wells were named after Karajukić.

– We agreed on the water, and for the road … It’s not just 13 kilometers, I can’t promise you now, let’s see … We can’t do all the hosts at once … Why didn’t they build it in 70 years? There is a great hunger for local and regional roads in Serbia. Raska – You have to do the market, those 20 kilometers are bad – said Vučić, who previously said that in three years there will be a road, so it will be possible to reach Belgrade in two hours.

The hosts asked the president for a trip to their village, so he immediately began making phone calls and asking Drobnjak how much that trip would cost.

I had the honor of visiting a four-generation house, the Sabanredzovic family in the village of Dolice, near Sjenica. Thanks to Fak, Fati, Muriz, Shadia, Elvis, Eliha, Emrah, Amina and Kerim for their hospitality.

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– How much can Drobnjak cost those 13 kilometers to Crpski, three or four meters wide? I don’t want macadam, I don’t go that way – Vučić asked Drobnjak from Putevi Srbije, having previously asked if Puzović was from Voda.

He was greeted with a full table.

photo: pink print screen

( Pink / Photo: TV Pink Print Screen)

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Author: delivery courier
