It’s too early to talk about capacity relief, but there’s no more pressure. “


The director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Dr. Goran Stevanović, and the director of the Institute of Oncology, Dr. Danica Grujičić, will speak tonight on the Prva TV program “Prva theme” about the fight against the corona virus in Serbia, but also about the opening of the Batajnica kovid hospital, as well as about the new measures that have come into force. .

These frontline doctors defeated the corona virus. They first spoke about their experiences and recovery after the crown.

– Considering that when I got sick, that was the moment we learned a lot. My course of illness was as we expected. If you do everything right, you are more likely to overcome this disease. Of course, the recovery process takes another three weeks or even a month, says Stevavnović.

“Everyone can get sick”

The first thing people must understand, he added, is that there are no people resistant to this disease.

– That means that everyone can get sick, whether they are healthy or have other diseases. So if you don’t call a doctor right away, you risk the disease getting insidiously worse. When symptoms such as shortness of breath and severe unproductive cough are present, then it is a clinical picture that will undoubtedly require hospital treatment. In addition, it happens that people forget that they had a disease and do not follow the advice given to them at discharge. Therefore, they are at risk of complications later on. It all comes down to how much respect we will have for our body and allow it to recover from illness, explains Stevanović.

Dr. Grujicic mentioned that she regularly checks for antibodies, but also that she adheres to all recovery guidelines.

“It’s too early to talk about easing the hospital’s capacity.”

Every morning, the Infectious Disease Clinic wakes up to patients who are also in the corridor due to overcrowding, and then they are transferred to other hospitals, explained Dr. Stevanović.

– Sometimes we have 10 percent of free beds at the end of the day and sometimes only five. It is too early to talk about relieving hospital capabilities. We can talk about it only in two or three weeks, and even in a few months. We have patients who are on artificial ventilation for up to 40 or 50 days. But the Kovid hospital in Batajnica came as reinforcement at the right time. We have gained a significant capacity in which you can treat a large number of patients in a really good way and in very good condition. It will not significantly relieve our capacities, but it will give us the freedom to work without pressure, where we can now find free beds – says Stevanović.

In the words of the director of the covid hospital in Batajnica, Dr. Tatjana Adzic Vukicevic, so far, about 25 patients have been admitted for treatment requiring accommodation in intensive and semi-intensive care.

“Non-kovid patients will be a great collateral damage”

Dr. Grujicic congratulated everyone who participated in the construction of the Batajnica hospital and emphasized that we must not forget the patients who do not have kovid but other diseases.

Dr. Danica Grujicic

Photo: TV Prva / screenshot

Dr. Danica Grujicic

– I think they will be a great collateral damage of this entire epidemic and it remains to be seen how much they suffered. This will be known at the end of the epidemic. And the reason is the fear of going to the doctor for fear of catching it. Now they are calling their doctors in the health centers, arriving at the Emergency Center. There, anyone who needs urgent surgery is operated on. The burden is enormous. The emergency center has 10-15 emergency surgeries during the day. But even people without covidity should know to call their doctor if they have a problem, Dr. Grujicic emphasizes, adding that doctors and nurses at the Oncology Institute “give 150 percent of themselves to help patients. the rest”.

On criticism of the hospital

When asked what he thinks of the criticism of Batajnica hospital, from when it did not open on December 1, as previously announced, until there are no windows in the hospital, Dr. Grujicic said it was silly.

– You always have people who heal their frustrations by chattering on social media. That doesn’t matter to me, because I consider it total nonsense and don’t want to discuss it. Let those who criticize come, put on a spacesuit and see how we work. Let them see what nurses and doctors in intensive care do and everything will be clear to them. To say that the corona virus does not exist, that the numbers are wrong, is silly. I trust my colleagues, I am in contact with them every day. So I don’t read such nonsense on the Internet – Dr. Grujicic emphasized.

About kovid vaccines and vaccination

Dr. Grujicic says she is happy that the first doses of the Sputnik V vaccine have reached Torlak, where it is being checked for safety and efficiency, adding that she wants to receive that vaccine, but also advise others to receive it.

– Only if Torlak says “yes”, I will receive it – said Dr. Grujicic.

According to Dr. Stevanović, the vaccine verification process goes through several phases, and only if the vaccine is registered in one of the countries that have serious control systems, then will they be able to know that it is safe.

– For me it is important that it is registered in one of the countries that have serious control systems, such as America, China, Russia, France … At least 70 percent of the world population must acquire immunity to this disease, then we can talk about starting we are slowly returning to the old, that is, to the time before the appearance of the crown – says Stevanović.

He spoke about the vaccination plan, which can be regular and annual.

– As soon as we have the shots I’m sure Trampoline will come out with a detailed plan of when someone will get the shot. It is a very serious work that begins in the factory where it is produced and ends when the patient is given to receive and expects to receive an immune response.

Dr. Grujicic says that all medications, including vaccines, can have side effects, but that this happens very rarely.

– All medications and vaccines have side effects. The point is what you get. To say that vaccines are not a good thing is absolutely, in my opinion, total nonsense. As for the new vaccines, when something happens, the culprit is always sought. Those of us who work with difficult patients know that it happens that when you tell a patient that they are suffering from a serious illness, they blame us – says Grujicic.

The director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic says that smallpox has not been present since 1974, thanks to vaccination, as well as many other diseases, adding that vaccines are the greatest achievements of world medicine.

What awaits us?

Asked about what awaits us in the coming days, Dr. Stevanović points out that “until the Batajnica hospital was put into operation, we were at the limit of the functioning of the health system.”

– The progression of the disease depends on many factors. The first basic factor is our behavior. If people followed the recommendations, we wouldn’t even introduce measures. This is a serious battle or war that we can only win if we fight on the same side. So, we must all implement all measures – says Stevanović and thanks everyone who has respected all measures since March.

Photo: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

He adds that there is still a small percentage of people in the population trying to dodge.

– They do all this until they get sick. They have a right to treatment and we treat them, but after recovery they have to wonder where they went wrong. Some were at the celebrations and believed that it could not happen to them, and yet they were infected.

When asked what she thinks of people who did not respect the measures in shopping malls on “Black Friday,” Dr. Grujicic responded angrily.

– I think such boxes should not be made at all. What was missing in the alley of Čumić, the town of Peyton? When I see young people taking children to those boxes that are closed and have no ventilation, it makes me angry!

Kovid hospital opens in Batajnica

This morning a new covid hospital was opened in Batajnica, and the first patients infected by the corona virus with a moderate and severe clinical picture were placed in this health center tonight, after 8 pm

The Kovid Hospital in Batajnica has an area of ​​18,000 square meters, 930 beds, of which 680 in semi-intensive care and the rest in intensive care. The hospital has nine spacious rooms with 30 to 40 beds each, said this morning the director of this health institution, Dr. Tatjana Adzic Vukicevic. After the epidemic, the hospital can also be used for other purposes, because it also has a delivery room, but also an angiocardiography room.

Today 7,782 new infected and 69 died

In the last 24 hours in Serbia, the coronavirus was confirmed in 7,782 out of a total of 22,497 tested. As a result of the covid, 69 people died, which is a new black record for the number of deaths. There are 270 patients on respirators.

By far the largest number of infected people are still in Belgrade, 1,975 of them, and you can read about the situation in other cities in a separate story.

The new measures came into force

Due to the increasing number of crowns infected with the virus, the Crisis Staff proposed new measures, which were adopted yesterday by the Government, and which are effective as of today.

The opening hours of cafes, restaurants, bars, discos and rafts will be from Monday to Friday from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. Shopping centers, clothing stores, betting houses, casinos, game rooms for children will not be open from Friday either at 5 pm until Monday at 5 am. Hairdressing and beauty salons, beauty salons will not operate on the weekend. You can read more details about who can work tomorrow and after 5pm in a separate news story.

VIDEO: If your lungs sound like this, call a doctor
