“IT’S STRANGE” When asked about the Russian vaccine, the director of the WHO Office in Belgrade had only ONE COMMENT


Speaking on the morning show of Prva TV, the director of the World Health Organization in Serbia, Marijan Ivanuša, said that the WHO cannot guarantee the safety of the corona virus vaccine and that the number of new infections in the region It is increasing and there will not be enough seasonal flu vaccines.

– In principle, the WHO does not have a function to guarantee which vaccine is safe and which one can be used – Ivanuša said, adding that if the vaccine is already in use, he personally hopes that it has passed all the testing stages and that its effectiveness has been tested on each one.

Regarding the discussions about whether the safety of vaccines depends on their “geographical origin”, Ivanuša says that this should not be a burden for us and reiterated that the only important thing is that the vaccine has gone through all phases of testing. He added that, for example, he gets the flu shot every year and gets vaccinated regularly and never asks who the manufacturer is.

When asked his opinion about the Russian vaccine and that it is already being used commercially in that country, as well as that some prominent personalities have already received it, and Putin’s own daughter is said to have received it, Ivanusa says it is all for him. “strange.”

– I would not comment much on that, but the Russians announced almost at the same time that some received the vaccine, but also that they are in the third phase of testing that vaccine – said Ivanuša.

Marijan Ivanuša, WHO Chief for SerbiaPhoto: Sava Radovanović / Tanjug

Marijan Ivanuša, WHO Chief for Serbia

He also referred to the fact that the WHO announced that the vaccine is expected in the middle of next year and said that the vaccine is possible by the end of this year.

– In the middle of next year it is not late, in fact it is very fast. The virus appeared earlier this year and it takes time for all the tests to be done correctly. I hope there will be some vaccines by the end of this year, says Ivanuša, adding that more than 200 vaccines are in various stages of testing and production, and nine are in the final third phase of testing.

Regarding seasonal flu vaccines, he explained that not everyone will be able to receive it because no country in the world has so many of these vaccines and that is why priorities must be established. He emphasized that first it should be medical workers who are also required to get vaccinated against seasonal flu, and then the elderly. He added that children older than six months can receive this vaccine, but that the priority remains the elderly.

When asked to comment on the dilemma raised by the doctors of our crisis staff, whether it be a riskier start to the new school year or 25,000 of our citizens returning from abroad, Ivanuša had a short and clear answer.

– What worries me the most are those who do not respect the measures – he said.

In the end, he reminded us that we can get infected very easily, but that we can protect ourselves very easily. He added that the epidemiological situation in Serbia is currently good, but that we must not forget to wear masks and maintain a physical distance.

Video: SURVEY Are you in favor of vaccination against covid 19?
