It’s official now! Wages will be higher and this is the increase workers can expect



30.09.2020. 13:04

The state again increased the wages of all healthcare workers in April this year, by 10 percent.

Pay, wait, money, mail

Payment, wait, money, mail, Photo: Tanjug

More than 500,000 public sector employees can also expect pay increases next year. The increases were officially announced yesterday, and the increase in salaries must be expected by doctors, army, education, public administration …

“State institutions and relevant advisory bodies are conducting analyzes and based on them will come out an evaluation of the increase in salaries in the public sector. The first results on the possible average growth of salaries will be known in mid-October, and then on the rise, “says a source from Nemanjina 11.

The increase in salaries in the public sector was officially announced yesterday by President Aleksandar Vučić.

Are you satisfied with your salary?

“There will be room for a salary increase in the public sector. This increase will not be as significant as last year, but we may be the only country that manages to do it. There will be room to increase the salaries of our doctors, soldiers …” , He said. President.

Last year, in November, public sector wages increased by an average of eight to 15 percent. The highest growth was for nurses and technicians: 15 percent.

Physicians in health and employees in science and culture received a 10 percent raise each. A nine percent increase was granted to education employees, judges, prosecutors, employees of courts and prosecutors, as well as workers of social protection institutions and members of the security services and forces. Employees of the state administration received an eight percent raise.

The state again raised the wages of all healthcare workers in April this year, by 10 percent.

Money, payment, counter

Money, payment, counter, Photo: Tanjug / Filip Krainčanić

A year earlier, in early 2019, public sector employees received a salary increase from seven to 12 percent.

Above all, 12 percent went to nurses and dental technicians, representing an increase of approximately 4,000 dinars on average, while doctors and dentists received a 10 percent increase.

Employees of the police, army, education and social protection received an increase of nine percent and employees of the Tax and Customs Administration of 8.5 percent. The state increased the salaries of other public sector employees by seven percent.

All employees of public companies also received a higher salary by five percent in 2019.

For 2021, increases have also been announced for retirees.
