It’s not Nemanja there, it’s Vucic


The erection of the Stefan Nemanja monument is a desecration of his character and work, historian Milan St. said in “Sunday Printing.” Protic, adding that he didn’t need the monument because Nemanja erected a monument to himself, and that’s the Studenica monastery. The monument is an image and an opportunity of this government, it is not Nemanja there, it is Vučić, he said.

Protic believes that “it is not a question of whether Nemanja deserves a monument or not, but whether it makes sense to erect a monument to him” because, in his opinion, belief and feeling, “it is a desecration of his character and deeds.”

“What he did was to erect a monument to him afterwards and glorify him in such an insincere and banal way, with a 20-meter monument, that is the image and opportunity of this government.” It’s not Nemanja, it’s Vucic. It seems so mundane and insulting to me, both for our history and for Nemanja himself, ”noted the historian, reports

If we think that those 800 years are worth nothing, he pointed out, then we came to erect a monument to him and that it will be worth more because we remembered to erect a monument to him, and there is no one before us, then. it’s so useless, stupid and primitive.

“We don’t need a monument to Nemanja at all. He erected the most beautiful monument to himself. And now this monument will outshine Studenica, we have forgotten about it anyway. If we ask citizens if they have ever been to Studenica and from who the donation was, they would have no idea, but we will remember Nemanja for this monument near the train station, “Protić said.

He also criticized the “triviality” of erecting a monument at the beginning of Nemanjina Street.

“That is the aesthetic of this government, they do not go beyond that primitive association that erects the monument to the one whose name is on the street on which the monument is located,” said Protić.
