“It’s not enough for me, I just covered the bills,” and look who else is on the list, these names will blow you away!



25.12.2020. 07:20 – 25.12.2020. 07:31

State financial aid was provided to performers who enjoy the status of independent artists, at the request of the Independent Union of Pop Artists of Serbia (SEMUS), which requested financial aid for its members from the Ministry of Finance, confirmed the president of that union Dragisa Golubovic.

Kostić Mine

Mina Kostić, Photo: Hola / Rajko Ristić

– In March, we submitted a request for help to freelance artists and freelance artists. At this time, independent artist support has been approved and we hope that funds will be approved for artists as well. Funds have been approved for 2,000 artists, of which 80 are singers, and among others are artists, playwrights and others. However, it seems to me that only the singer was rumored – says Golubović and explains:

– Among those who received money, there are no big names like Ceca, Brena, Snezana Djurisic because they either have their own company or are employed in a company. These are just people who are freelance artists. And let’s be clear, none of the people on the list asked for money, the union did it on their behalf.

Dragisa points out that he expects help for independent artists, who are not only musicians and singers, but also dancers, DJs, program hosts, performers because, according to him, they are in an even more unenviable position than artists.

– The performers do not have the status of artist and are in a worse position because they have to pay taxes and contributions themselves, and have not had a salary for months. Unlike them, some cities, such as Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis and Kragujevac, pay contributions to artists. That is why a large number of contractors withdrew during the pandemic because they have no means of paying taxes and contributions, some even borrowed, hoping that all this would last less. In the last few months, I have signed many payments, explains Golubović.

You are convinced that your request will be fully honored.

– We hope that independent artists will also receive help, as well as that the help will be repeated to artists because they really are in an unenviable position.

The list of those who received 90 thousand dinars from the state includes, among others, Goca Bozinovska, Ivan Gavrilovic, Mina Kostic, Zorana Pavic, Vanesa Sokcic, Marko Bulat, Mira Skoric, Jovana Tipsin, Beki Bekic, Jelena Brocic. The aid was provided to musicians and singers who are in the status of independent artists, but who are not retired, but are active and still working. Among the names are Slavisa Vujic, Radmila Misic, Ljuba Lukic, Aca Nezirovic, Milica Krsmanovic, Vesna Dimic …

Mina Kostić says it means help to her, but that she couldn’t stand up with that money.

– It is not safe enough, I would like to work more. I covered the bills with that money and that’s it. I only pay seven thousand for the information station, it would be good if while there is a pandemic, at least we do not pay those bills, and then when we start working, we pay everything. It is difficult, we have not received money for almost a year. Somehow I manage, my brother and sisters help me, I take something small from YouTube and this is what I saved, says Mina and adds:

– We should get that help more often, at least to cover the bills. We all have to stretch now how much our quilt costs. Singers are used to having money, but we also have to get used to this situation, but I hope it doesn’t last long.

Ivan Gavrilović on the other hand says:
– I was one of the initiators of the union that deserved it. There are also jazz musicians and others who received help. Due to some circumstances, I obtained the right from the city to pay for my internship. I don’t think there should be a rumor about that, they all got a minimum. Some have a box, some don’t.

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