IT’S NOT A GAY MARRIAGE, BUT THEY REGISTER IN THE REGISTRY: This is what the Minister Comic ad about same-sex couples means


So far, there are no reactions among right-wing organizations.

– We deeply believe that such regulation is necessary, and that we must understand that European values, tolerance values ​​and human rights, such regulation implies. It is difficult for me to estimate the exact deadline, but I think it would be ready before the spring session of the Assembly in 2021. It should be – said the minister, adding that it is necessary to create political will so that this regulation is “anti-discrimination and rights humans”.

Gordana comic, Photo by Tanjug

This law will not legalize, as we have been told, same-sex marriages or extramarital unions between people of the same sex, because that would be in conflict with the Constitution. It should allow registered same-sex couples to enjoy pension, health and social security rights as those in a marital union.

– The announcement that the law will finally be approved is good news, although we were promised that it would happen in 2018. The law on same-sex couples is planned by the Strategy to Combat Discrimination and the Action Plan for its implementation, that expired two years ago.

Photo by A. Stanković

It is essential that you do not introduce marriage or coexistence, or regulate the issue of the adoption of children. It will allow the resolution of the issue of inheritance, health insurance, the visit of a same-sex couple in jail or hospital. Same-sex communities will need to register with the registrar, explains Predrag Azdejković, a gay activist.

As you point out, Serbia is one of the few countries in Europe and the region that does not have such regulation. Almost all EU countries have it, except Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. Apart from us, only Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina do not have it in the region.


SERBIA is obliged to approve such regulations as a member of the Council of Europe, says Azdejković. In other words, according to the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the case “Olijari and others against Italy”, since 2005, each member state of the Council of Europe is legally obliged to regulate the community of life of two people of the same sex.

Predrag Azdejković, Photo by N. Fifić

The announcement of the preparation of the new law was preceded by the September “Pride of Belgrade” petition for adoption. He demanded: that the community of same-sex couples be recognized by law; that same-sex couples are subject to ownership participation regulations if the community ceases to exist; that a same-sex couple can inherit a person with whom they live under the same conditions as a spouse; have the right to inherit a pension in the event of the latter’s death; allow them to enjoy the right to protection against domestic violence; that in case of illness of another member of the couple, he must be informed of his state of health; that the same-sex partner has the right to participate in making decisions about the choice of medical treatment for their partner; that they can visit each other in jail and that in case of death they can take the body of their partner and bury it.

The petition states that the bill was prepared by civil society organizations in 2010 and presented to the competent authorities for adoption.

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