IT’S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Dr. Djerlek reveals: “Citizens who have received a single dose of the vaccine should be tested when entering the country”


Many citizens had to self-isolate for 10 days because they did not have a negative kovid test upon entering the country, and they have already received a dose of the vaccine.

However, the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Mirsad Đerlek, explains that this happens because a dose of the vaccine does not represent sufficient protection.

– We have clearly said that one dose of vaccine is not enough and it is scientifically proven that after it we only have around 50 percent immunity and that is why another dose or revaccination is needed and that is why they ask for a PCR test when crossing borders. We have had cases throughout Serbia that there was a corona infection with one dose, after seven, 10 and even 15 days, that is, while the incubation period lasted.

– We constantly emphasize to citizens that even when they receive the first dose of the vaccine, they wear masks and keep their distance, even after the second dose, because we will need around 2.5 to three million vaccines to control the epidemic – said Dr. . Đerlek and added that immunization in Serbia is going very well and that the vaccine is the most powerful tool against infectious diseases:

– No vaccine is 100 percent effective, and corona vaccines are generally 90 to 95 percent effective. Even that is no guarantee that you cannot transmit the virus, but the vaccine protects against serious forms of the disease. We used to ask, for example, inmates who came to the hospital with a single dose of the vaccine to do PCR, but when they received the revaccination and enough time passed to gain immunity, now we no longer ask for it.

I ask citizens for a little more patience and to strictly respect the measures even if they are vaccinated, until we are well!

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