It’s filling up fast, the youngest patient is 24 years old


Doc. Dr. Goran Radunovic, acting director of the Institute of Rheumatology, said that in the last 24 hours 90 patients passed through the institution, 80 were admitted during the first six hours of work, one hour after midnight. The Institute of Rheumatology has been in the red zone since Friday and is filling up fast.

According to him, after that, they increased the capacities for another six beds, so they now have 86 patients lying in that health institution.

Meanwhile, two patients were discharged and two were transferred to other institutions, and new patients were admitted instead.

photo: Printscreen RTS

Speaking about the condition of covid patients, Dr. Radunović points out that the clinical picture is a bit harsher than last time, the youngest patient is 24 years old and the oldest 94 years old and they are stable.

According to him, a part of the rheumatology patients who need to be cared for are in that institution, and the rest should seek help from the Military Medical Academy in the department of rheumatology and secondary health care throughout Serbia.

“In case of emergencies, we will be able to see several patients at the Institute of Rheumatology,” Radunović said.

photo: Printscreen RTS

Pointing out the situation where it was most difficult, Radunović says there is now a greater influx of patients, but they were now more prepared, transformed faster, and have five new doctors who are employed in the meantime and helping.

“If we get lateral help, we can expand our capacities from 10 to 20,” he said.

Dr. Radunović said they have enough drugs, equipment and consultants from the Infectious Diseases Clinic.


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