“It’s check time, the kids probably won’t have to”



04.12.2020. 12:47

Children will likely not be vaccinated at all, said epidemiologist and crisis staff member for corona virus suppression, Dr. Predrag Kon.

Predrag Kon

Predrag Kon, Photo: Tanjug

He added that the decision to vaccinate children will be last on the agenda because they are not at risk.

Dr Kon welcomed the news of the delivery of the first doses of the Russian vaccine to Serbia and the announcement of the arrival of vaccines from other manufacturers, adding that it was time to test the vaccines.

Should children go to school?

“There are health authorities in this country that verify vaccines and documentation. The safety of the vaccine is being tested. Everything is legally regulated. It’s a huge job, “he told RTS.

The vaccine cannot make everything stop at once, the epidemiologist emphasized, adding that its effectiveness remains to be seen.

Kon expects fewer new cases in Belgrade next week, but that will not be uniform across the country because the virus has spread differently.

Crown in Serbia

Korona in Serbia, Photo: Tanjug

“The situation will be difficult for the holidays because the pressure on the hospitals will continue to be great. “These measures will be in place for as long as it is necessary, and I personally think they could be stricter,” Kon said.

According to him, everything possible should be done to dissuade our foreign citizens from coming to the country, because if the same number arrives as for Easter, we will not be able to bear it.

“Now we have a catastrophic situation, the health care system is overloaded, there is a fight for every patient.” You cannot say that the health system has collapsed, but the situation is difficult, “Kon said.
