IT’S BEST IN SERBIA! Stefanovićs returned from Germany to Sokobanja and rebuilt the old mill that is talked about WORLDWIDE (PHOTO)


IT'S BEST IN SERBIA!  Stefanovićs returned from Germany to Sokobanja and rebuilt an old mill that is talked about ALL OVER THE WORLD (PHOTO)

Photo: Beta Sasa Djordjevic

A year ago Nikolina (24) and Stefan (27) Stefanović from Sokobanja renovated the old water mill in the village of Vrmdža in Sokobanja and started their own business. At the mill, built in the 19th century, they grind wheat, corn, buckwheat and other cereals and sell flour, and during the summer they prepare homemade porridge, proju and juices for visitors in the small kitchen they built next to the mill.

Before renovating the factory, the Stefanović did seasonal jobs in Germany for years, but they were not satisfied with life, which means all-day work and alienation from family and friends, so they returned to Serbia, started their own business and recently had a daughter, Masha.

photo: Beta Sasa Djordjevic

According to Stefan Stefanović, the idea to renovate the mill that Nikolina inherited from her grandfather was born five or six years ago, but last year they clarified the ownership relations and then “put it into operation”.

“The whole area was overgrown with weeds and sour wood, and you could only see the roof from the mill since it last ran in 1981. We cleared it and cleaned everything. The building was pretty well preserved because it was renovated in the decade of 1950. and the roof was replaced, “Stefanovic told Beta.

photo: Beta Sasa Djordjevic

The roof, as he said, saved the mill from collapsing and collapsing, so they only replaced a millstone and the lid.

“Everything in the mill remained authentic, as in the 19th century when it was made. The shovel that our ancestors made was preserved so that when filled to the top, it can hold exactly one kilogram of flour,” explained Stefanović.

He said that the work of a miller is beautiful, but forgotten because there are fewer and fewer mills, especially bathers.

“The job of a miller is not difficult, the hardest part may be to deliver the grain to the mill, and then the mill does its job. The other more difficult side of the job is that the leaves often clog the chart that carries the water from the Vrmdzanska river to the mill, so it happens that even at minus two, three degrees, you have to go into the water for it to blow away, “said Stefanović.

photo: Beta Sasa Djordjevic

People in Serbia, but also in the world, as he added, are going back to the traditional diet, so there is a great demand for ground flour in water mills.

“The flour from the water mill is healthier than the flour obtained from electric mills because the cereal grains are slowly ground and do not burn, so the proteins and nutrients remain in them. All of our flours are whole grain, made from whole grains, and contain more nutritious joints than grains, ”Stefanović said.

According to him, throughout the summer, they had 100 to 150 guests a day, even last weekend they had 30 guests, even though the tourist season is over.

“We had guests from all over Serbia, but from Venezuela, Peru, Australia, so literally everyone found out about our factory,” Stefanović said.

photo: Beta Sasa Djordjevic

He added that he and his wife see their future working at the mill. They plan to expand the offer and sell everything that is produced in the town: homemade juices, sweets, jams, as well as preparing traditional “peasant” dishes, so that guests can see how it is made and feel the smell of homemade food.


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Author: delivery courier
