“It’s a shame what Grenelle did.”



Daniel Server

The continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina was announced for December 10, and the Johns Hopkins University professor in Washington for Kosovo Online says that it is okay to continue the dialogue, but according to him, two things should be clear: reciprocity and the implementation.

– Regardless of what Pristina or Belgrade ask, they should be willing to give an equivalent. And everything agreed must be implemented in a verifiable way. It should also be clear that the dialogue exists for a purpose: to allow mutual recognition and the exchange of ambassadors. Nothing less than that is a real normalization – says Server.

In your opinion, is 2020 a successful or a lost year when it comes to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina?

For the EU sponsored part, I would say we have to wait and see. For the US side – the September White House “deals” – they were confusing and deliberately misleading in addition to some modest previous transportation deals that needed to be agreed.

What do you expect in 2021: elections in Kosovo, acceleration of the dialogue or something else?

Kosovo needs a new president. If this cannot be done within the term of the current parliament, a new parliament will be needed, which means elections. But I hope the current ruling coalition will do everything it can to prevent it, because it could lose. Expanding the coalition could solve both problems.

Does Kosovo have the political strength to replace politicians in The Hague accused of war crimes, given that, according to lawyers, these trials will last at least five years?

Of course yes. Kosovo has many people who can replace the accused, who rightly went to defend themselves.

How do you see the European Parliament report and the accusation that Richard Grenel overthrew the government of Albin Kurti through disinformation?

I think there is no doubt that Grenel did everything possible to overthrow the government of Albin Kurti. What he did is a shame.

A mass grave was recently discovered in Raska. How important is it for dialogue and reconciliation to discover all the mass graves, both in Serbia and in Kosovo?

It is vital. Families need to know what happened and to be able to respectfully bury their loved ones. The identification and repatriation of mortal remains remains particularly important in the case of Serbia and Kosovo, as many civilians have died and it has been so long.
