Italian police followed the Serbian for days, caught him in the act and immediately arrested him.



18.10.2020. 15:39 – 18.10.2020. 17:13

While tracking the Serbs, the police discovered that another woman was involved in buying and selling drugs.


Arrest, Photo:

Italian police arrested three people in Verona, including a Serbian citizen KB (55), and seized more than 11 kilograms of cocaine and hashish.

During operational work, the Italian police came to the information that a Serb had been distributing narcotics for a long time and began to constantly monitor the movement of traffickers. The plan was to gather as much information as possible about him and his associates and eventually arrest him, Blic reports.

Then they followed him when he met the Italian YES. They decided that the opportunity was ideal to catch the merchant and the buyer in action. During the search of their cars and the houses they use, the police found 300 grams of cocaine that the Serb sold to an Italian, but also 10 kilograms of hashish distributed in 59 packages.

While tracking the Serbs, the police discovered that another woman was involved in buying and selling drugs. It was about an Italian woman from Montenegro whose house was also searched by a carabinieri and 50 grams of cocaine were found, but it is assumed that the money was acquired by selling narcotics.
