“It would be a mistake to close schools now.”


In Belgrade primary schools today, the coronavirus has been confirmed in 32 students and 14 employees.

Source: Tanjug



Education Minister Branko Ruzic says crisis staff will discuss the eventual an extension of fall break for elementary school students.

He said crisis staff will discuss whether such a possible decision would help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Fall break is scheduled for Wednesday, November 11 through Sunday, November 15.

Prime Minister Ana Brnabić says schools are currently the safest places and there are no plans to close them.

She told journalists at the “Kneginja Milica” primary school, where she attended the donation of a smart bank, that at this time the biggest mistake would be to interrupt the work of schools and move to online classes because, as she claims, the more controlled in those educational institutions are.

He stated that in case one of the students tests positive for coronavirus, there are measures for a specific class, shift and school.

He says that he will try to maintain that situation as long as possible, because there is little point in closing the school now, because it would be the wrong decision.

She also mentioned that everything is ready for a full transition to online classes should the need arise, adding that those classes have been running continuously since September.

“We are the only country in Europe where students did not miss a single day of classes in the previous school year, because when they closed earlier, they immediately switched to online classes. Now we are even more prepared for that, but for now there is no need. because a full transition into online classes was the wrong decision. ”

Brnabić said that children can serve as an example for us, because they respect preventive measures and warn the elderly to do the same.

Education Minister Branko Ružić said the number of infected people in schools in October was 0.024 percent relative to absolute figures.

He said that the education system has shown a high degree of responsibility and the greatest resilience.

He stated that there is no need to think about alternative ways of teaching at this time, that everything is ready for implementation, but that he hopes it is not necessary.

We do not intend to further toughen the measures, says Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, stating that the amendments to the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases will introduce mandatory penalties for non-compliance with preventive measures and improve control of inspections .

Responding to journalists’ questions about the epidemiological situation, he said that it is becoming more complex and that this was to be expected, given that the number of coronavirus infected crowns is increasing worldwide.

He affirmed that it is certain that today we will have more than 2,000 new infected, of which, he adds, more than 1,000 in Belgrade.

He warned that without respecting the measures we cannot keep the situation under control and affirmed that we cannot have so many inspectors who control each violation of them.

That is why, he points out, everyone’s discipline is important in respecting the measures and empathy towards those who have already suffered both kovid and other diseases.

“We are translating hospital after hospital back to the covid system. There is no point in tightening the measures at a time when not everyone is complying with them. We have to balance the economy and the epidemiological situation,” Brnabic told reporters in front of the primary school Kneginja Milica.

The economy, he says, is used to fund additional health care, tests and equipment, and health care wages will be increased.

The state, said the Prime Minister, has extraordinary costs to finance several days of patient treatment in hospitals.

He announced that the amendments to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases will be in the Government session tomorrow, and again called on all citizens to wear masks and adhere to preventive measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. .
