It was posted by my wife, but WITH MY PERMISSION


Prof. Nestorović claimed that the disputed video mocking crisis staff members Dr. Predrag Kon and Dr. Branislav Tiodorović was posted on his Facebook account by his wife.

As he said, he personally gave his wife permission to publish the recording.

– My wife posted that video on Facebook, I really like that Kon is like a mermaid – Nestorović said to Kurir.

On the Facebook profile of the pulmonologist and until recently a member of the crisis staff of the Government of Serbia for the fight against kovid 19, a scandalous video appeared showing a photo montage of prof. Tiodorović turning the wheel that opens the mouth of Dr. Kona, above whose head clouds appear on which are drawn heads of corpses, syringes, which the public assumed were shots against the crown, and then money. At one point in the recording, Kon also says, “Turn around, that!”

This is a controversial video posted by Nestorović:

The majority of the public interpreted the publication of this video as a mockery of prof. Nestorovic to his colleagues, but also as possible accusations that these epidemiologists scare people with the virus to make money from vaccines or drugs.

VIDEO: A video mocking Dr. Predrag Kon and Dr. Branislav Tiodorović
