It was decided what are the conditions to enter Serbia during the pandemic


Ana Brnabić added that citizens can leave Serbia, and entry to other countries depends on the country they are going to.

“Today, we made the decision that our citizens from abroad, when they return to the country, will have a sufficient PC test showing that they are negative for kovid 19, which they did in the last 72 hours, and then they will not have to be put on quarantine”. 14 days, “Brnabić said for TV Pink.

He added that the procedure for the entry of foreigners has been liberalized, which is important due to the economy and foreign students, who will also need an examination, no longer than 72 hours for entry, but that their movement will be limited to a certain extent , according to needs

The Prime Minister said that personal responsibility remains the most important thing for citizens, because such restrictive measures no longer exist.

Brnabić noted that there was a slight jump from those infected today compared to yesterday, but there was also more evidence, and the percentage is around 1.6.

“That is no reason to worry, because today we had the biggest drop in active cases. The situation is under control. We do not lift the state of emergency without being completely sure that the situation is under control, but citizens must be aware of this is a new normal there will even be vaccines, “said Brnabic.

He added that “whoever found himself in the SZS protests is giving a completely wrong example to the citizens,” affirming that last night there were not many people gathered in front of the Presidency with masks, they did not keep their distance.

These are meetings that are not allowed, they will pay fines, Brnabić added.

“Everything is under personal responsibility. I am asking citizens to take precautionary measures, masks, gloves, hand washing, distance, small meetings,” said the prime minister.

“We will win. The situation is under control, just to ensure that Serbia is a peaceful place to live, that everyone has the right to think what they want and that no one threatens them with physical violence because of it,” Brnabic said.

Speaking about today’s incident in front of the Assembly, Brnabić said that “people who attack deputies and ministers in front of the Serbian Assembly will not go unpunished, because there are laws that must be respected.”

She said that as much as someone thinks they are strong and violent and that they can harass people, they cannot do that.

“Everyone must respect the laws of Serbia. I have just come from the government, and unfortunately, we can no longer deal with our health. All of this is happening after the lifting of the state of emergency. We must slowly return to the economy. We must return.” social life, “said Brnabić, noting that we are not yet in danger.
