It turns them into zombies, and the girls pay for it with sex too! (VIDEO)


“I was standing at the bus stop, that child was sleeping on the grass. I could see in his face that he was not feeling well, that he was turning around, he was restless. I approached him. I saw those things scattered around me. I asked him if he was okay, he said several times, ‘Auntie, Auntie.’ Then he got up, staggering to the station and straight onto the road, “said one of the witnesses.

This is just one story that describes the dramatic situation in the Knežija district of Zagreb and is broadcast on RTL.

The vicious synthetic drug, after a single breath, turns dozens of minors, but also forty years, into zombies that stagger through the streets. Spice or Galaxy, synthetic drugs mimic the effect of marijuana. Experts say that they are much more dangerous and cannot be compared to the effects of THC in traditional cannabis.

They are obtained chemically and are up to a hundred times stronger, and cause a real dependence after a few uses. The recorded conversations reveal the problems young people have encountered due to their addiction. only one adult girl was kicked out of the house by her parents. Now she makes a living off sex and drugs, and in a secretly recorded conversation she had with a young man, a search team discovered how much she was spending on drugs.

“In the seventh month, I spent about five hundred euros.

“In the Galaxy?”

“In the galaxy”.

“Did you get to smoke that much? Well, I would die.”

Other recorded conversations were even more shocking. Older addicts continue to force younger addicts to steal to raise money for drugs. Here is an excerpt from a recorded conversation:

“That team has been destroying G for the last month … They got out of jail a few days ago. The boy has money with him, the boy worked hard to get it. They are forcing him to steal the chains from his grandmother.”

“Pa ko ga gura?”


A merchant was also filmed. A man already known to the police who sold the Galaxy while it was still legal. It was placed on the illegal list shortly after the first recorded deaths, and there were many emergency interventions after the children were found disoriented. Vrapce Hospital psychiatrist Ivan Celic found that many people have already ended up in clinical treatment precisely because of their severe dependence on Spice.

“It can manifest a very dramatic clinical picture in terms of confused and disoriented behavior, paranoia, but also symptoms of the neurovegetative system of rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating that in a young person automatically causes additional psychological symptoms such as panic attacks.”

The search team was also entrusted with a user who was given the name Darko for the purposes of the story and who experienced firsthand how dangerous this drug can be if used by someone who takes the warnings lightly. .

“Surely a joint can cause death, and surely a joint can cause vegetation.”

However, addiction is stronger than caution and many could not bear it, so they had to wrap the joint as soon as they bought a new dose of Galaxy.

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Author: delivery courier
