It took seven days to adopt the measures, which will last for ten days.


Another 31 people died as a result of the coronavirus, which is the highest daily number of deaths in a day since the start of the epidemic. The implementation of the measures adopted on Friday is pending until Tuesday. It is also unclear whether the government accepts all the recommendations of the profession.

The crown strikes a third time. The strongest in Serbia so far. The seat of the crisis, made up of the profession, science and politics, agreed that “the health system is about to collapse.” New epidemiological measures are often announced, but there is no way to start with them.

Infectious disease specialist Dragan Delic says it was too late for themAnd he adds, when we had around 200 patients a day instead of preparing for a new coup, the statesmen bragged about having won the crown.

“That time was not used for some anti-epidemic measures to prevent such a massive appearance of our population. It is as if the brandy was released from the bottle, and now it is very difficult to return that brandy to the bottle, ”says Delic.

How does the profession intend to return the spirit of the crown to the bottle? Crisis staff member, Immunologist Dr. Srdja Jankovic recently stated that the profession’s proposal is to close everything at 5 pm. However, politicians have different hours to close restaurants, casinos and shopping centers. Well that’s correct Yesterday, the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, announced that the working hours of the majority of the facilities would be reduced to 6:00 p.m. from Tuesday..

How will public transport be used from Tuesday? Although both Minister Loncar and Mayor Radojicic are doctors, it appears that state and municipal policies are not harmonized.

“When the city’s transportation is filled to 50 percent of the passengers, they won’t stop at the next station, they’ll go further,” Loncar said.

It will go further so that new passengers do not enter, but what about those who want to leave the transport? Mayor Zoran Radojicic warned that city transportation cannot be stopped outside the station., because something can happen.

Where they want, where the transport will not stop and who will control the number of passengers in the GSP, is yet to be defined on Monday, but in the crisis headquarters of the city.

As his colleague, the psychiatrist, but also opposition politician Sanda Raskovic Ivic sees, the work of the crisis personnel of the Republic: “An emergency session of the crisis personnel is scheduled for Wednesday and will take place on Friday. The measures adopted in the session, announced on Saturday, they will go into effect on Tuesday. They need seven days to bring them measures that will be valid for 10 days. “

Pending the start of the implementation of the new measures on Tuesday, Saturday night, due to the overload of capacities in Belgrade, patients with kovida 19 were transferred to the hospitals of Kragujevac and Nis by bus. At the same time, this weekend, before Patriarch Irinej’s funeral, many believers went to the temples to pay their last respects, usually without adhering to the prescribed measures. The Association of Doctors “United against Kovid” warned that the funeral of the patriarch represents, from the epidemiological point of view, “the event of greatest risk.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
