A horrible video from the center of Belgrade shocked everyone who saw it yesterday!
The video of the brutal abuse of a puppy in the center of Belgrade, which appeared yesterday on social media, shocked Serbia and once again reminded us that such cases must not go unpunished.
Three women who met in Slavija immediately after this event and helped the injured black puppy, say that they will insist before the state authorities that the case be fully clarified and the perpetrator, a monster, punished.
Photo: Printscreen YouTube / Glas javnosti
According to eyewitnesses, the older man, in pure peace, bloody kicked the cub on the head. The animal flew within a meter of the force of the blow and lay motionless on the ground, and bystanders nearby were shocked and deeply shocked.
Photo: Printscreen YouTube / Glas javnosti
– I passed by and saw two women who were next to the dog. They told me: “Here is the criminal, the beast, who kicked him.” He hit him in front of a woman who was passing by with a child, she was shocked, the story of a surprised woman, who helped the unfortunate animal.
The cub lay motionless on the ground until three women came to his aid.
– The poor man squatted down, they didn’t even dare to touch him, they didn’t know what kind of injuries were in question. He’s a puppy, one hit is enough to break his spine. He defeats me as a human being – he says and adds:
– We covered it a little and protected it, we called an ambulance for animals and the police.
Photo: Printscreen YouTube / Glas javnosti
They indicate that they immediately called the Interior Ministry and that they will continue to insist on prosecuting the sadist.
– We do not know who he is or what he is, but cameras were installed here and we called the MUP to react. The dog remained motionless on the ground, he was not breathing … I intend to go through this procedure, to see how it goes – says one of the passersby.
When the vets managed to get the dog to its feet, according to witnesses, it howled loudly in pain, which made everyone cry …
Photo: Printscreen YouTube / Glas javnosti
You recognize it?
The shocked citizens ask everyone who recognizes the man in the picture, who almost killed the puppy, to report him to the police!
Photo: Printscreen YouTube / Glas javnosti