It is nothing to me, you invented my crown, to rest a little from me


Bishop Stefan Saric, Vicar Bishop of Patriarch Irinej and an elder of the Temple of Saint Sava in Belgrade, told Kurir that the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) is feeling fine and that he still does not have any symptoms of coronavirus.

photo: Youtube Printscreen

– The condition of the patriarch, thank God, has not changed. He has no symptoms of the virus, he feels fine and agreed to be in the hospital because he is 90 years old, to monitor his condition, although he has no problems. He is in a good mood and jokes with us, he says: “It’s nothing to me, you invented it to take a break from me”, and we are all full of heart that he is happy and well – said Saric de Kurir.

Let us remind you that Patriarch Irinej was tested on Kovid 19 after returning from Montenegro, where he gave a funeral for Blessed Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Litoral, Amfilohije, in front of thousands of believers on Sunday.

( Pronić)

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