It is not only President Vučić who has received death threats! Another minister is in danger



18.11.2020. 22:27

A detailed investigation was conducted.

Aleksandar Vučić

Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: Printscreen

Previously, similar comments were posted on the Facebook profile from which the death threat was sent to the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, including the threat to the Police Minister Aleksandar Vulin, Novosti writes.

In the Facebook group “Do not settle migrants”, as they say, four days ago, an article with the subtitle “Vucic broke: vaccination will be mandatory, whoever refuses will be punished” from the profile “Milorad Nikezic”.

The next day, below the above text, from the profile “Miloš Bpm Petrović”, a comment was posted:

“Death to Vučić, freedom for the people! Kill the dictator, slaughter his family, clean the seeds, throw them from the balcony and set fire with gas … Dead Vučić SAVE !!!”.

According to Novosti, other threatening comments can be found on the same profile.

Alexander Vulin

Aleksandar Vulin, Photo: MUP

“Anyway, just waiting for a clean enough shot and a few people, I’ll show you, your kill is done, and yours and these idiots of yours, the people whose job it is to clean, they called us to get you out, we pay them if anyone I asked you or if “The cleaners are paid, you’ll be dead, Vucic, lalalala”, reads one of the messages.

Also posted was a photo of Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin processed in one of the photo processing programs, where it was posted on October 27, with the comment:

“Ahahaha, the character on the forehead says” Error 404 brown no background “Serbian government patients, they are a little ready for the hanger, and the hangers are waiting.
