“It is not for panic, but for concern”; “Pria influensera – very pouna”


Belgrade – Serbian President Aleksandar Vui says that the situation in Serbia is not yet one of panic, but it is worrying, because more and more people are using respirators and are in hospitals.

Source: Tanjug

He pointed out at the press conference that, compared to other countries in the world and in the region, we still keep things under control, but that we must be more serious in implementing the existing measures.

Vui cited the examples of Slovenia and Croatia and stated that if the numbers were transferred, it would mean that in Serbia, in proportion to the number of inhabitants, there would be 4,000 and 9,000 new infected or 55 dead in Serbia, and at 1 in the afternoon we have four dead . there are up to seven of them.

“Unfortunately these numbers will grow, but we are struggling to grow by arithmetic and not by geometric progression,” Vui said.

He expressed his gratitude to all those who go through the measures, even in half, and that, as he said, is clear.

He also mentioned the case of a Ukrainian influencer who did not recognize the existence of the coronavirus, and it was from him, unfortunately, that he died.

“The story of the Ukrainian influencer is very complete. I ask all people to take it seriously,” he said.

The deputy director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Ivana Miloevi, also said that the number of patients was growing dramatically and warned that when it did, it was difficult for things to return to normal and appealed to people to avoid risks and wear masks.
