23.01.2021. 22:16

Photo: Shutterstock
Bor police arrested IS (32) tonight on suspicion of injuring his fiancee JN (29) in the village of Luka near Bor.
He was handcuffed on suspicion of having committed serious crimes against public safety and the illicit production, possession, carrying and trafficking of weapons and explosives. His detention was ordered for up to 48 hours and he will be transferred to the competent prosecutor’s office, along with a criminal complaint.
The girl JN (29) who was accidentally shot by IS (32), will be sent to the Nis Clinical Center due to the severity of the injuries.
It turns out that the girl was admitted to the Bor General Hospital, where she was given help. She has a severe pelvic injury and due to the severity of the injury she will be sent to Nis. He also has an arm injury.
By the way, her fiance IS dropped his rifle. The rifle then fired and, as it is unofficially known, hit JN in the arm and leg. More details will be known after the police investigation.