It is important to observe two CUSTOMS on this day to know what kind of YEAR IS WAITING FOR US!


TOMORROW IS VARINDAN: It is important to observe two CUSTOMS on this day to know what kind of YEAR IS WAITING FOR US!

Photo: Youtube Printscreen

Santa Barbara, also known as Santa Barbara, is a martyr and Christian saint. The Orthodox Church celebrates it on December 17, and is considered the protector of miners, farmers, masons, cooks, carpenters …

Custom dictates that every December 17, the grain will be sown in shallow dishes or pots, which will be green by Christmas. If the grain is abundant, the year will be fruitful and good. Therefore, nourish this grain well so that your year is noble. In addition to growing cereals, be sure to cook cereals for lunch or dessert tomorrow.

Wheat, Christmas
photo: Profimedia

There is a popular custom of cooking wheat – varica on the eve of Santa Barbara and boiling it by the fire in a pot at night, so that tomorrow on the day of Barbara you can see which side it came from, it is believed that wheat it must be sown in that field. nice guy. The boiled grain is eaten at home, it is sprinkled in the place where the drinking water is taken, and it is also mixed with salt, for which it is given to livestock.


Ingredients: wheat corn water nuts honey


the quantity of wheat and other materials is at your request. The image shows a varica with 1/2 kg of wheat, 250 g of corn, 250 g of walnuts and 6 tablespoons of honey, add water and corn (so that they pass 2 cm above the material) and let it rest overnight. The next day, pour in clean water and cook at a reduced temperature for 2-2.5 hours (until the liquid evaporates and the grains are soft). Add honey and chopped walnuts, stir, and serve.

For Serbs, the people’s year, as well as the church year today, began on September 1, after the harvest, so Barbara’s Day was the first day of this year. In some parts of Serbia, it is customary to soak wheat grains in water to germinate that day and take them out at Christmas to see how much the wheat has grown. In recent times, wheat grains are soaked and placed on a plate or in a bowl, and when the wheat grows it is brought to the Christmas table.

Santa Barbara lived in the 3rd century, during the time of the Roman Emperor Maximilian. His father was called Dioscorius. He was a polytheist and raised his daughter very strictly. But on one occasion, when he wanted to build a bathroom, he ordered two windows to be made, and Barbara asked for three, for the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. When he heard this, his father was offended that his daughter was a Christian. He dragged her to the head of the area, where the girl bravely admitted that she was of the Christian faith and would never worship idols.

Saint Barbara
photo: Wikipedia

For those words of hers they tormented her, first they beat her, burned her ribs and breasts, and finally stripped her naked and took her around the city. Father Dioscorius himself cut off his daughter’s head. Therefore, this young woman sacrificed herself for Christ, and her father received the punishment he deserved: once he was struck by lightning and died in agony. In the icon is St. Barbara is represented in an ordinary woman’s dress at that time with a cross and a miter in her hand, and her miraculous relics are kept in Kiev. Glorified in the Kingdom of Christ, she has appeared many times to this day, sometimes alone, sometimes accompanied by the Blessed Mother of God.

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