President Aleksandar Vučić declared today that the first feature film about the suffering of the Serbian people in Jasenovac will be released in October, noting that it is important for Serbian and Serbian children to watch that film and find out the truth about Jasenovac.
Source: Tanjug

Photo: Promo
He said that Serbs had been silent about Jasenovac for 75 years, because no one wanted to resent “someone’s authorities” but to be more popular in Zagreb than in Belgrade.
Vučić told Pink that he was grateful to director Gaga Antonijević for her courage, stating that many directors and producers, who received offers from the state to make a film about Jasenovac on several occasions, refused because, according to the president, they did not want to offend. to others. .
“He accepted that and made a movie where there are no fakes, it’s a story about Serbian suffering,” Vucic said.
He stated that many would think that Hollywood actors should be taken in so that the world sees the Jasenovac story, but that he personally thinks that it is important that that film be seen by Serbia and Serbian children who, he says, have no idea what what happened.
“It’s good for kids to see and learn that and never forget it,” Vucic said.
It emphasizes that it does not allow Serbia to forget other sufferings, such as Košar, Oluja, NATO aggression.
“At my initiative, a monument to a Kosar soldier was erected, we named the boulevard after a Kosar hero, we mark the Storm every year, NATO aggression, which we have never done before, and now we call to things by their real name, “Vucic said.
As he says, Serbs now know how to bow their heads and show reverence for the Croatian victims in Bosnia.
“We can also bow our heads, say that a horrible crime was committed in Srebrernica and show reverence for the Bosnian and Croatian victims, but we have a problem when someone tries to say that the Serbian victims were not victims,” Vucic said.
Regarding the film “Bridge on the Drina”, the president said that he was still waiting for Emir Kusturica’s response, adding that he thought it would be a real cinematic achievement.
Responding to comments about “Vučić’s megalomania”, he says that he sets the ladder up high and sets great goals, stating that megalomania is not only the construction of monuments, but also roads, highways, sewers, factories, as well as the target of an average salary by the end of 2025. It will be 900 euros, and pension 430-440 euros.
“No, but I will set small goals, I will fund” Big Brother “so that I am rich and the people poorer. Some will be remembered for building studios for” Big Brother “and spending Telecom money on” Big Brother “. Brother” , and some because they built roads and factories, “concluded Vučić.