It is extremely difficult in the municipality of Medvedja, the preschool will not work from tomorrow


The epidemiological situation in the territory of the entire Jablanica district is deteriorating and there are 135 patients in the Kovid hospital in Leskovac, of which 102 are on oxygen.

An emergency situation is in force in the municipality of Vlasotince on the 17th. Since the beginning of the month, the coronavirus has been confirmed in 375 people, of which 250 in the last ten days.

It is also extremely difficult in the municipality of Medvedja, 103 people since the beginning of the month. As of tomorrow, the preschool institution will not work in that municipality.

photo: Printscreen RTS

In the Leskovac area, 684 people have been infected, two-thirds in the last ten days.

The director of Leskovac General Hospital, Nebojsa Dojcinovic, says the situation is very unfavorable.

“Currently, there are 135 patients in Kovid hospital, 102 on oxygen. Here we have the most difficult patients. Patients with moderate and severe clinical symptoms have been admitted to the hospital. We have about fifty more seats, so we are preparing to adapt some other places. u kovid, “said Dojčinović.

He points out that there are about 60 people in the hospital who test positive, two in hospital treatment.


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