Svetlana Raznatovic and Zeljko Raznatovic Arkan were married on February 19, 1995, according to all Orthodox and Serbian customs. Their wedding was declared the wedding of the decade and was followed not only by the media in the region, but also by the main television networks in the world.

Zeljko arrived at Ceca in a Montenegrin costume, he respected all customs, struck the apple, bought the bride, and when the song “Oj svijetla majska zoro” began with the same joy, Arkan jumped up, climbed on the table and sang. “Oh bright May dawn, our mother Montenegro, our mother … We are the children of your rock, and the guardians of your honesty”, the verses were shouted, Raznatovic was standing and singing all the time, so it was crucified when “Saint Lovcen” was mentioned!
The Raznatovic family is from Montenegro, and the father of the late Arkan was a JNA officer who was Montenegrin from Ceklin. Zeljko was always proud of his Montenegrin origin and passed it on to all his children.


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