Veliko Gradiste – Sinisa Stevic from the village of Mijajlovac near Veliko Gradiste has been one of the most famous carpenters in this part of Serbia for decades. Hundreds of wood products came out of his skillful hand, and hard work and an even harder life marked his age. Today, he has entered the eighth decade of his life deeply and is living his old age completely alone. However, this excellent teacher decided to be human and give everything he earned during his life, to the family that would move to live with him.

“At my baptismal party I lit a candle for Santo Tomás and cut the cake myself, as the days go by I can work and move less and less and that is why I would not like to spend the rest of my life alone. We have children and that is why I would give everything I have and everything I have acquired to an honest family that would live with me in the community, and after my death they would inherit everything ”, says Siniša for RINA.
And what this man has is nothing small, because in his yard there are two houses and a carpentry workshop that extend up to 540 square meters and are equipped with modern machines.
“I invested everything in my business and thus expanded production, it is up to the people who come to continue working, and God willing, they have all the conditions for that. Even I had plans to upgrade the factory to more than 1000 square meters, but I’m already old and I don’t have the strength, but that’s why I’m here to help those who want and can work ”, says this carpenter.

However, for someone to inherit and receive this unusual gift from Siniša, they must meet two conditions.
“May the family be honest and may the celebration candle never go out. That is the only thing I ask in return, from those who decide to live with me and get everything I have earned with hard work ”, he says.

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Author: delivery courier