“IT EATS ME BECAUSE I DON’T KNOW WHO INFECTED ME” Maria Kilibarda, exhausted, reveals the FIRST SYMPTOMS OF THE CROWN and how she feels now


One of the most popular presenters in our country, María Kilibarda, recently announced that she was infected with the corona virus, and now she has discovered the first symptoms she felt and how she feels.

Maria KilibardaPhoto: Youtube / Prva televizija / youtube

Maria Kilibarda

– I’m fine, considering that I’ve been home for three days and that the strongest symptoms usually begin during this period. It put me at ease when I had an X-ray and blood test done, but it scared me because there is always that “but” and usually after the first symptoms in the next few days, the symptoms intensify. But fortunately nothing happens and I’m fine.

– I did not have a fever for a single day, I had a slight weakness, especially I felt that weight around the cotton and in the area of ​​the shoulders, that fatigue is something that never skips anyone. That’s what people who also had the virus told me. When they tell me what you trust intuition, people tune in to yourself, listen to the signals your body sends you! Sometimes something burns inside of us and we want to ignore it so that we can fulfill all the obligations during the day.

Did you find out who infected you?

– It eats me, because I don’t know who infected me. I’ve seen very few people and some are positive and some are not, we can’t track them at all. What I considered my responsibility, I called everyone I was in contact with. At work we were all protected and wore masks. So I can’t track, because among other things, there are people who don’t have symptoms and who are carriers of the virus, and that’s where we can’t protect ourselves, because you don’t know that you’re threatening someone because you don’t have symptoms. It really is a big mystery and we cannot know how this virus will affect until it enters your body so we have to listen to ourselves and be responsible and adhere to measures.

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