IT DOESN’T HAVE THE LEAST RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CROWN! Dr. Nestorović brutally beat Biden and sent an important message to Serbs: he cannot forget


IT HAS NOT THE LEAST RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CROWN!  Dr. Nestorović brutally beat Biden and sent an important message to Serbs: he cannot forget

Photo: Nemanja Nikolić, Profimedia

The well-known pulmonologist Branimir Nestorović again surprised the public in Serbia today with his announcements.

On this occasion, Nestorović did not present information about the corona virus, but to everyone’s surprise, he shared a text message from a foreign portal on his Facebook profile, in which he said, among other things, that Bishop Artemije was removed because He did not want to bless the then Vice President of the United States, Joseph Biden. Visoki Decani.

As a reminder, Biden is currently running in the presidential race for the White House, and his opponent is current President Donald Trump.

The text that Nestorović shared publicly was published under the title: “Before Biden made Ukraine, it was Iraq, and before it was Serbia.” An extensive analysis contains a whole series of Biden’s sins: from the bombing of Serbia, to the bloodshed in Iraq, to ​​the Ukrainian scandals in which he and his son were involved.

– This has nothing to do with the crown, but read how Bishop Artemije was replaced at the request of General Fitzgerald, because he did not want to bless Biden’s visit to Decani. For Trump-hating Serbs, Nestorović wrote on Facebook.

( Nikolic / Profimedia)

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