Tonight, the famous owner of the acting school, Miroslav Mika Aleksić, was taken to the police station, and the actress Milena Radulović (26), as she says, was 17 when he raped her.

– I was in Mike Aleksić’s school for six years when he raped me. I was 17 years old. That hasn’t happened once. It was repeated – says Milena Radulović.
Take out parents
– The group had its good sides. We read a book a week, we went to the theater, we watched movies, we were educated, good children. The religion spread in the group, the classes began with the prayer “Our Father”, the girls came with skirts, the boys with shoes, hair and nails had to be neat. But he was always strict, cruel. He was very strict and they all said: “Well, well, it’s cruel, but this is Mika, he has his methods.” There were clear rules – says Milena Radulović.
– The auditions for the admission of children were massive. Several hundred children applied, depending on the generation, and Aleksić chose the seven or eight most talented. Immediately after the reception, Aleksić would talk to his parents, inform them about the price, the classes, the dress code and emphasize one important thing: that this is the first and last time he sees them. He explained that even the youngest students can go up to the second floor and bring their own money for tuition. He said that children are little people, and we liked it when we heard: “You are independent, this is something only yours.” She annulled her parents and their role, but then it didn’t seem moot to us, says Milena Radulović.
Not all children turned to Mike Aleksić to become actors. Even Milena, as she says herself, didn’t think of acting as a calling until she was 15 years old. The school did a good homework, made trips around Serbia, to fairs, markets. The children learned to cook homemade soup. These were some values that were also liked by the parents.
– All this created a feeling of awe and supreme authority in the students’ children in relation to their teacher Miki Aleksić.
Milena Radulović claims that she went from such a strict and organized but still safe world to sexual abuse hell overnight, when, as she puts it, Mika Aleksić raped her for the first time in early November 2012. She was 17 and he was 61.

– Until then, I didn’t think such a thing was possible at all. I did not know him like that and in that period I was convinced that I was the one and only. It was a shock. Decomposition! It was a different family for me. Really! – says Milena Radulović.
He does not want to speak to the media about the details of the abuse. He had already told the police everything.
– Mika made sure that (sexual abuse, ed. Note) occurs during class, but in the room next to the other students, or in the period when work intensifies due to admission to the FDA. He left no room for anyone to suspect that something so terrible was happening there – says Milena Radulović.
He claims that Mika Aleksić carried out an identical sexual abuse scheme with other girls, who also reported it to the police.
– He planned everything carefully. He used the situation that we were in shock. Apart from the fact that all this is happening to you, there was always a terrible feeling that there were a lot of other children around, says Milena Radulović.
As she says, whenever any of the girls offered verbal or physical resistance, she was met with the use of force or ignorance.

When appearing on television, Milena Radulović was always advertised as an actress who passed Mika’s school. After what he survived, he says, he went through different phases. First helplessness, weakness and then shame. “Incredible shame,” he says. She hated herself, she felt ashamed. Above all, there was a great sense of guilt that he did not defend himself. And how to tell everything to parents? Will it hurt them, will it ruin their lives?
– His manipulation aims to instill in you an enormous sense of responsibility, complicity, guilt. And, in the end, some fear that you will be left alone in that – says Milena Radulović.
The actress, who has been building her career in parallel in Serbia and Russia in recent years, has been going to psychotherapy for several years and working on herself with dedication.
– At the time of that act, I had no knowledge of the consequences, they came later. It was the nullification of all kinds of self-confidence, security – says Milena Radulović.
– She didn’t have the strength to speak from the beginning. It took her a long time, but she tried to position herself as someone younger girls could talk to. He always thought of how much less he would suffer if he had someone to warn him.
– In November a new victim of Mika appeared. A minor, unknown to me until that moment, called me and then we connected. We hooked up with some other girls, talked, and decided it was time to stop this. With this awareness, hiding a crime and keeping silent would be the same as the crime itself. We would become accomplices if we keep silent now, knowing directly that there are five more new potential youth victims – says Milena Radulović.
We must not be silent
His life has continued and he now leads a career in two countries, Serbia and Russia. He says that he decided to appear in public to “warn potential victims and parents that terrible things are happening in the center of Belgrade, on Knez Mihailova Street, in the most prestigious acting school”, and that we should not be silent about this, because pedophilia is not up for discussion.
– The most terrible thing is that the ground has been prepared for years, from early childhood, a monster, and the girls who are with me and I cannot allow anyone to experience what we are. This is not revenge, although that phase also existed in me, but it ended a long time ago. All of us, the victims of Miroslav Aleksić, got into this because it is inadmissible to be silent for a day. Some girls, born in 2003 or 2004, are simply going through this kind of torture, says Milena Radulović.
She did not know the two girls who reported Aleksić to the police together with her. They are much younger, so there were not many opportunities to meet.
– It is not a question of personal satisfaction, it must be stopped, because it is happening now, these days. If we are silent, we are witnesses, we have allowed evil! I know my voice is heard more and I am the oldest of the girls who reported it. I feel a great responsibility towards these children, towards society, but also towards myself. This is something that needs to be stopped. We do this with a cool head. We expect support, because no one can support pedophilia. I am not afraid of public condemnation, I no longer have any reason to be afraid of anything. The impeccable work of the authorities, who are currently listening to our situation, also gave me hope and strength. We are talking about the rape of minors who have been in contact for years with a monstrous manipulator who not only manipulated the girls, their students, their parents, but the whole of society, every person who heard the famous name and had a Direct or indirect positive opinion about this man is yours. a victim as much as we are – says Milena Radulović.
I’m proud of the girls
– I’m immensely proud that the girls and I, after a while, got in the way of this together. This is not a “me too” movement, I appeal to speak about the rape of minors, monstrously manipulated by a narcissistic psychopath, whom Aleksić groomed for the act of being a child. My speech to the public is aimed at supporting all previous victims (and this has been going on for 35 years) to come forward to the prosecution, without fear, because they will find work and professional access, as well as all victims of any sexual harassment or rape. You are not alone, no girl, girl or woman can live or, God forbid, experience something like this – says Milena Radulović.


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