“IT BROKEN LIKE A BOMB, A MIRACLE THAT NOBODY WAS KILLED” Carom in Nis, after the crash “Mercedes”, the traffic light fell on the pedestrian crossing (PHOTO, VIDEO)


Only by sheer luck he did not die in the collision of “Opel” and “Mercedes” at the intersection of Vojvode Tankosića street and Nemanjić boulevard in Niš today around 1:45 pm, as the “Mercedes” ended up on the sidewalk after the accident, where he knocked down the entire stoplight pole.

Carambola in Nis, a tragedy averted only by sheer luckPhoto: BRANKO JANAČKOVIĆ / RAS Serbia

Carambola in Nis, a tragedy averted only by sheer luck

According to eyewitnesses, the “Mercedes” coming from Nemanjića Boulevard made a semicircular turn at the intersection with Vojvode Tankosića street when there was a collision with the “Opel”, which was going directly from Ulica 7 de Julio towards Boulevard.

“Opel” hit the “Mercedes” in the rear and threw it at the traffic light in front of the crosswalk, where fortunately there were no pedestrians.

Carambola in Nis, a tragedy averted only by sheer luckPhoto: BRANKO JANAČKOVIĆ / RAS Serbia

Carambola in Nis, a tragedy averted only by sheer luck

Due to the force of the impact, the traffic light pole bent almost to the ground and the upper part where the lights were located fell off.

Carambola in Nis, a tragedy averted only by sheer luckPhoto: BRANKO JANAČKOVIĆ / RAS Serbia

Carambola in Nis, a tragedy averted only by sheer luck

The ambulance doctors examined the driver of the “Mercedes” who complained of pain in the lower back, but it seems that he was not seriously injured because he remained at the place where the investigation is being carried out.

– It exploded like a bomb, it is a true miracle that no one has been injured by pedestrians because a large number of people pass through that crossing every day. About ten days ago, two accidents occurred at the same intersection, says one of the tenants of the surrounding buildings.

The police are investigating and determining the causes of this traffic accident.
