Israelis reveal strange details in Washington agreement: there is a problem, Serbia will not move its embassy to Jerusalem



09.09.2020. 16:55 – 09.09.2020. 17:28

Earlier this year, Serbia announced that it would open a business office in Jerusalem and send a delegation to Israel.

the key to the White House Aleksandar Vučić Donald Trump

White House key Aleksandar Vučić Donald Trump, Photo:

Serbia will not move the embassy to Jerusalem if Israel recognizes Kosovo and recognition of Kosovo would strain relations with Serbia, writes the Jerusalem Post, citing a source close to Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić.

Israel’s recognition of Kosovo as an independent country will strain relations with Serbia, despite the fact that it is within the framework of the agreement that the Balkan countries signed at the White House, says a source close to Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić for the Israeli newspaper.

Serbia will not move its embassy to Jerusalem if Israel recognizes Kosovo as an independent country – said the source, who, as they say, knows well the agreement signed in Washington.

Furthermore, this Israeli move would damage the close relations between Israel and Serbia, and they will never be the same again. It’s that easy – says the source.

The source added that “many claim that Israel that recognizes Kosovo would be like countries that unilaterally recognize ‘Palestine’.”

The Jerusalem Post reports the announcement by Vučić’s cabinet that there was a “big discussion” between the Serbian president and US negotiators over Israeli recognition of Kosovo last week.

They thought we should ask Israel to recognize Kosovo, and we said we couldn’t because it undermines our policy. We said that if Israel and Pristina agree on that, that’s fine. – said Vučić.

– We also told Israel that if they respect Serbia, our country will move the embassy to Jerusalem – said the president.

The Jerusalem Post writes that “respect for Serbia” could mean non-recognition of Kosovo.

Earlier this year, Serbia announced that it would open a business office in Jerusalem and send a delegation to Israel this week for that purpose.
