Israeli Ambassador Reveals When Jerusalem Will Recognize FALSE STATE And Then Was Shocked By Statement


Israel’s ambassador to Albania, Noah Gal Gentler, said his country would recognize the false state of Kosovo in a few weeks.

– Negotiations have started between Israel and Kosovo, but also between Israel and Serbia. It will take a few more weeks to reach an agreement and the opening of embassies in Jerusalem will follow, Gantler said on the Scan television program, as reported by the Pristina website “Zeri”.

When asked why it is so important for Israel to recognize Kosovo, Gantler said it is “a question that requires an answer from the Kosovo people, but we sympathize with the Albanian people.”

– We must do everything possible to help your people. We have done it without recognition in the past, but with recognition it will be easier – said Gentler.

He added that he believes that bridges can be built in the economy, education and culture.


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