ISN’T THE CAUSE OF THE EXPLOSION A BOILER? In the fire that engulfed the apartment in Beli Vodi, this device was the only CEO left


A large fire, which broke out in an apartment on Leposave Vujosevic Street in Belgrade around 6 a.m. on Thursday after three explosions, injured 11 people, including three children.

Although it was initially believed that the boiler exploded in Mališa Pavlović’s apartment in Ljig and caused a fire, it was later established that it remained the only complete device, so the cause of the fire will be determined by investigation.

In the Bela Voda settlement in Čukarica, the apartment on the third floor, owned by Mališa Pavlović from Ljig, was completely destroyed, writes “Novosti”.

According to unofficial information, two tenants, who have lived in this apartment for eight years, were asleep at the time of the explosion, but were awakened by a terrible blow, which was also heard by the tenants of the neighboring buildings. One of them ran to the neighbor’s apartment in a panic for help, and then two minor explosions were heard.

Fortunately, fire crews arrived quickly and located the fire. The owner of the seriously damaged apartment lives in Ljig and arrived in Belgrade as soon as he heard the bad news. He himself was astonished to see that the boiler remained intact, so it remains to be determined whether other devices or facilities caused the fire.

The apartment was completely destroyedPhoto: Aleksandar Dimitrijevic / RAS Serbia

The apartment was completely destroyed

– The damage is enormous. I equipped the apartment for rent, and without the wall that separates the bedroom from the bathroom, it would be difficult to avoid an even greater tragedy. I have no insurance, so I was left with nothing – says Pavlović.

In addition to Pavlović’s apartment, several neighbors were damaged. Neighbors on the third floor damaged the door and part of the ceiling, neighbors on the fourth and fifth floors were also damaged, while the windows in the corridors were also cracked by the force of the impact.

VIDEO: New images of the fire in Beli Vodi
