Is Viminacium witnessing a revolutionary discovery?


If the experts confirm the interpretation of this inscription, it would mean that it is on the silver leaf of Viminacium. the oldest mention of Christ in the world.

This year, more than 500 tombs were found in one of the marked sites where archaeological research is taking place within the Viminacium complex, emphasizes the guest of the morning program, Professor Miomir Korać, director of the Belgrade Archaeological Institute and manager of the Viminacium project.

“We were surprised to find relatively few lead sarcophagi in that area. The surprise is that of those 14,500 excavated graves, only there are about thirty lead sarcophagi, which in itself is a special feature. Of course, that immediately points to the question of where did the people who were buried there came from, ”emphasizes the professor.

The usual assumption is that the origins of these people are linked for the Middle East area because a large number of legionaries and the common world came to Viminacium, which was a large and rich city. When the two sarcophagi, which were fully preserved and not looted, were opened, the archaeologists were shocked.

“At first, we paid more attention to the gold objects, because there were also some very interesting ones, and it will be shown that they are also correlated with this find. And, among all these things, we find a piece of sheet metal, smaller than the nail of a little finger, wrinkled and bent ”, explains prof. Korac.

The piece of sheet metal found was so wrinkled that archaeologists didn’t even expect to be able to unroll it. When they succeeded, a 3.5 by 5.5-centimeter plate appeared in front of them, on which was written something in nine lines. A calculation of the impression was made and it seemed to everyone that they recognized H, R, S, T in the inscription and published it. As the professor vividly explains, they “put their heads on a stump” in front of the scientific community. There is now a pending verification and confirmation is awaited.

What is significant are the ornaments that can be seen on the sarcophagi found, which indicate that Christians may have been buried in them, but from an entirely new angle. Perhaps they are Gnostics of which very few written traces remain. If that is proven, Professor Korać points out that it will also be an opportunity to shed light on this area from that period.

“Since this sheet is thinned to a tenth of a millimeter, when it is thinned or incised, they appear as duplicate signs that can be interpreted differently. We set out to try to get that image in depth through high magnifications. Of course, those who deal with it already read different things differently. But we will see how the situation will evolve, “says Professor Miomir Korać, director of the Belgrade Archaeological Institute and director of the Viminacium project, at the end of the guest appearance on the program morning.
