IS THERE AN END OF THE CROWN? AND WHEN? We asked Dr. Tiodorović and Dr. Ćujić about measures, vaccines and immunity, and they answered the key question with TWO DATES


If we adhere to the measures and address vaccination correctly in as many as possible, we will get out of the vicious circle of the coronavirus and the pandemic.

This is confirmed for “Blic” by prof. Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, epidemiologist and crisis staff member, stating that he is really optimistic in that regard.

Despite the immunization that is being implemented successfully in our country, the numbers do not decrease, we have been registering more than 5,000 infected people for days. Hospitals are full, doctors and medical staff are under pressure, while on the other hand we have stricter measures that should pay off in the next period. We are far from sporadic cases, and according to experts, we could pause at the end of spring, that is, at the beginning of summer, which is an optimistic estimate, because it is increasingly certain that it will happen before the end of the year. . The statistics are dictated by our behavior, but also by the number of vaccinated. Vaccines are there, but behavior during and after vaccination must be more careful.

Dr. Branislav Tiodorovic

Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Dr. Branislav Tiodorovic

– People should know that vaccination is the most important thing when it comes to the virus, and that is why it is best to invite them to be vaccinated, because that is the only way we will return to normality. The virus is circulating, the numbers are what they are, only when we reach a herd immunity of 60 to 70 percent, we can breathe a sigh of relief because the virus will appear sporadically, not epidemically. We still do not have precise data on how far we have come with herd immunity, because we have those who have been vaccinated, those who have been vaccinated, those who have been vaccinated and those who have been vaccinated. When we have a study in front of us, then we can say exactly where we are. In any case, I want to be optimistic – says prof. Tiodorović.

Vaccinated people can transmit the virus

After vaccination, many were eager to get an antibody test, some took off their masks, but you should know that it takes time to create protection.

– Theoretically, those who are vaccinated are duly protected from this disease, but they can carry the virus in the mucosa of the nose or throat and be a carrier of the virus. Quantitatively, it won’t be a lot, but it may be enough for someone whose body is sensitive. So I say that it is theoretical, the virus survives, it cannot act on the organism that has been vaccinated, it cannot bring it to a state of disease, it cannot cause an infectious process, but by carrying it through the throat or nose, it can cause it. Continue. That is why we say that the measures must be respected even after vaccination until we achieve herd immunity – explains Professor Tiodorović.


Currently, vaccines from four manufacturers are used in Serbia, which are based on three different principles. Dr. Danica Ćujić from the Institute for Nuclear Energy Application (INEP) explains to “Blic” that the vaccine developed by the German company “Biontek”, with the support of the US pharmaceutical giant “Pfizer”, is based on the latest RNA molecule technology that carries instructions for the spike synthesis virus protein. The so-called Russian “Sputnik V” and Oxford vaccines, developed in collaboration with Oxford researchers and the “Astra-Zeneka” company, are vector vaccines that use adenoviruses as carriers of genetic material that also code for Spike synthesis. proteins. As Dr. Ćujić further explains, the Chinese “Sinofarm” vaccine is based on traditional vaccine production technology, that is, the SARS-CoV-2 virus dies and cannot reproduce or cause disease when introduced into the body with the vaccine, but its structure is preserved enough to activate our immune system and create the protection mechanisms of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

– The possibility of applying different technologies in the production of vaccines should not cause confusion, because each of these vaccines is good, in the sense that it leads to the creation of protection, with minimal side effects. In some cases, due to possible contraindications, allergic conditions or some chronic disease, it is necessary to avoid a certain vaccine, but another one can be used. Before starting the use of these vaccines, their safety was tested and is still being monitored. After all, it is a practice that applies to any drug and should not generate mistrust. What also interests us all is how much the vaccine actually protects us. Two things should be noted, firstly, the response to the vaccine is individual, that is, not all people will develop the same immunity after applying the same vaccine, and secondly, we are not protected at the same time that we received the vaccine. Something similar happens with a natural infection: not everyone gets sick when they come into contact with the virus, nor do symptoms of the disease appear the moment we get infected, explains Dr. Ćujić.

Danica Ćujić

Photo: nikola andjic / Tanjug

Danica Ćujić

According to current protocols, the vaccine is received in two doses, first our body is introduced to the virus in some way through the vaccine, and then the immune response is strengthened with the second dose of the vaccine. What is very important to note is that a person must be in the best possible health when receiving the vaccine and that we should not relax after the first dose, because it is not enough.


– Failure to comply with the measures against the pandemic can seriously jeopardize the effect of the vaccine, that is, prevent the elimination of the virus from the population as soon as possible. It is extremely important to emphasize that the vaccine is intended to protect us from disease, but not from infection. Therefore, a vaccinated person can contain the virus in their body, but not get sick or develop a milder clinical picture. The vaccine triggers several immune mechanisms, and one of them is the production of antibodies against the virus. The presence and amount of antibodies in the serum is easy to determine, and this information indirectly tells us if the vaccine worked and if our immune system was activated. What is also monitored is the effectiveness of the vaccine. What does that mean in practice? If the vaccine is effective, for example 86 percent, that means that out of 100 people who come into contact with the virus, 86 of them will not get sick and the remaining 14 will develop symptoms of the disease, but with a low probability of complications – explains Dr. Ćujić.


He points out that there is still insufficient data on whether and to what extent the virus is transmitted from a person who has acquired immunity, either after a previous infection or a vaccination.

– Research in this field is ongoing, but for now it must be considered, for themselves and for the protection of their families, that vaccinated people can potentially be carriers of the virus – explains Dr. Ćujić.

He also points out that it is currently difficult to give a reliable assessment of herd immunity.

– The truth is that we have not yet reached the required percentage. Even in Israel, where mass vaccination of the population is carried out, the herd immunity of the population has not yet been achieved. In some countries, the number of doses available is limited, which also affects the speed at which herd immunity develops. Irresponsible behavior, which increases the possibility of infection and further spread of the virus in the population, also has a counterproductive effect on the vaccination process, because often the reception of the vaccine coincides with the infection and the disease. The vaccine will not help us if we act frivolous and irresponsible. Unfortunately, we all run out of patience, but until it turns out that the vaccine actually prevents the transmission of the virus in addition to providing protection, we must continue to adhere to anti-pandemic measures, said Dr. Danica Ćujić.

Photo: Tara Radovanović / Tanjug

Not everyone is satisfied with the measures prescribed by the Government of Serbia in the fight against coronavirus – belgraders who, as they say, are unhappy with the measures, gathered yesterday in the Republic Square in Belgrade. Those gathered stated that they were protesting against the closure of the facilities. Almost none of the citizens in the crowd wore a mask. Among those gathered were catering companies and other individuals who are currently prohibited from working to reduce the circulation and transmission of the coronavirus.
